
@Stem_Sell: I coagulate you on a fine performance...

@warpwhistle: too bad he didn't succeed in slicing her head...

@raveglass: Lol; all I thought was finger puppet...

@wrennee2: The new shit are vests...

@taniquetil: oh let me count the ways.: 1: You already have too much crap hanging from your keys, don't need another item to make the bulge bigger. 2: Have you seen a klutz lately? a: they walk by and break a normal usb stick off. b: It's hit and knocked out by you or someone on the side of your laptop. 3: You have a

@EBone: or when people gamble way too much and shiat themselves... Never forget the shiat

@aririn: it's like the red in restaurants, or the dim lighting, also the hard benches in fast food joints... a lot is involved in the design to keep clients in or to have them not loiter.

@jok: possibly as a reminder instead of tying a know around his finger... or he's a 1/10 transvestite...

@sammy baby: I can't help thinking that's Kevin Spacey...

@davidgreen360: I didn't know Kevin Spacey dabbled in all this hubaloo...

@Future Retro: Crap... I just spilled my milk did you have to jinx it?

@alex-y: yeah... I puked a little in my mouth...

@Snafu77: In that case I'll have a 4x4 with onions and animal style fries... please. Thanks.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: it's all skittles to me... "taste the rainbow" I hope it smells just as good coming out...

@WestwoodDenizen: funny the facebook symbol or "f" reminds me of a game called "pipe dream"