
@Mex: OR: Now homeless people can be even lazier... or have shopping cart wars...

@kylecpcs: well if they can do this to bacon.... can you imagine? BACON BITS HA HA HA HA... yes I'm hungry.

Maybe the guy was able to hack the PS3 to play GOW.... I'm just saying...

@FartSponge: well I don't own stock... so I could give a rats ass... those people won't even notice... sure... they sell some stock or panic a little... but really? you know how these things end...

@vinod1978: Yep; I forgot to elaborate that they'd be dreaming if they thought they could get that much... and it would definitely end beneath the millions mark... but like any good negotiator... reach for the sky first... and then land on everest...

You know they'll just end up settling in some hush hush way...

I took pictures for this but forgot to submit. Feel free to check mine out: []

@Aiwass23: yeah but it's this "concentration" that would take away from the idea of "writing" and yes I can type; on my laptop I can do about 75wpm; but because I call feel the keys beneath my fingers and it's something I'm a lot more accustomed to then a flat surface where it's a bit cramped... I'm not talking bad

@thechansen: AWESOME. I use to have a Cintiq 21ux... sold it and I miss it a lot... but to spend $2k again is something I am hesitating on; even a 12" model is a bit much all because of the constraint of cords and power... here you are making me consider the purchase of an ipad and then making one of these... mobile

@kingcrim84: yeah my sentiments exactly... " It lets you hide everything and just focus on your writing." Um yeah like I can write comfortable chicken pecking that touch keyboard; granted I can get a wireless keyboard... but then... we can just go back to the fact that: hey; I have a laptop... why the heck would I go

@zwer: enemy recycling... good all around efficiency

@PrototypeMike: They just didn't show you the part where those saws are manipulated by a controller; they are not stationary...

I don't know if this will come across as a jackass argument... but isn't the term "watch their strength grow" wrong? because they are not all attached to each other as one? the proper term would be that the item becomes easier to lift as the weight is evenly distributed amongst the robots...

Sad to think this was more of a payday for the attorneys.... $16?? R U kidding? Meh; could buy a lot of tacos...

@Andinator: Don't worry according to this last case [] you'll just pay 10% of $19,999,984...

@Dezerus Richardson: Correction to all those involved in this: Make the books that are for studies and certain trades digital; those which need to be updated continuously. The rest of the books like fiction; non-fiction; biographies and the likes for pleasurable reading: those should have physical and digital copies...

@AlienSix: what lawsuits? Imma make it look like an air freshener... you know... apple scented...

@AlienHandSyndrome: yeah because maneuvering into it is just like drifting a car down a spiraling parking structure...or up...