
I still cannot get past the terrible combat though. It’s just button mashing and some spells. I wish it had a deeper system as the story is great, but after many hours I just uninstalled it. After playing games like Dark Souls or Elden Ring, Witcher 3's combat just doesn’t’ cut it.

I dunno though

Hey everybody, I have been wondering why there hasn’t been a Fahey post for a while and it seems that he’s been having some very rough months, healthwise.

I’m not sure why, but I’m playing on Hard, and I can pretty much take everything down with a hunter bow and a sharpshot bow (powershots and triple shots and braced shot = things are dead), just using non-elemental arrows. But this tracks with my HZD experience, I triple shot my way to victory against everything, with

I’m having a great time, but boy do I wish there wasn’t so *much* gear. So many things overlap in what they do, but maybe one has a slightly different specialization than another piece of gear, but is it enough to justify switching to? I dunno, let me check it’s upgrades. Hmmm...ok, I guess I’ll make the switch. Oh

I found myself very visually overwhelmed by this game at the start. It just felt like every little detail was trying to grab my attention, so I couldn’t make out the whole picture.

If anyone else feels this way, what I did to relieve the issue was to switch to performance mode, which at least made the animations more

good lord, fudge off. It’s a couple of weeks, it’s just fun, and it changes a game that doesn’t flipping change much.

Maybe a Female Krampus would have been more acceptable.

Wow... not a single RPG... and sooo many good games missing.

So Amazon made a game where humans are driven to maddening amounts of labor to justify their meager earnings as automation slowly destroys them, huh

Can we go back to BF3? I would settle for a BF3: The Definitive Edition.

For starters, I hope we don’t see comparisons to Halo in the BF2042 review, because they’re entirely different games. About the only thing they share is the fact they are both FPS. Bf games share about as much in common with halo as they share with Doom or Fortnite.

I'd argue 4 is when things started getting unmanageably chaotic, similar to this one. 3 was perfect

Yeah but imagine being able to just casually drop into a conversation that you own

Am I the only one who assumed Anno: Mutationem was a cyberpunk city building game? Looks cool, but I was really excited about that idea and now I'm disappointed.

The gunplay is fairly satisfying— The addition of smart guns with autotargeting and tech guns with a charge mechanic as well as melee as a viable option mean you have tons of flexibility in how you want to play and how you approach situations. I found myself with half a dozen or so favorites that I’d swap between as

Now THIS is a quality article! This is some good shit! Thanks for the read.

I fully admit I do not know much about Chinese culture or politics. But to me, it comes across as scary just because of the simple thought of the government being able to just make a blanket rule like that, about something viewed as entertainment. I get they are minors, but just to all of a sudden be like “nope, you

We are out here! Just wanted to comment and say we do exist. Lol I work in an office and 3 of us here played it, and all loved it. It was kinda fucked up and a weird game, but it was still a lot of fun for what it was. And I thought the story had a lot of heart and cool ideas. 

So every available new game except Bugsnax, gotcha.