

Good point, but as a parent, I can tell you that kids will actually listen to other kids, especially cousins. Mason’s giving good advice. Coming from him, it’s something little North is likely to take seriously. I also applaud KKW for backing Mason’s involvement here. I think it helps strengthen the family and maybe

Yeah, Reynolds was really the coup de grâce of the whole thing. You have to hand it to Peloton, this is at the very least, a much better ad than poor Peloton wife from 2019. They’re learning.

And as the poly world says, “fracking monogamists.”

I mean the first off obvious adverse effect is having a young infant that is susceptable to harmful infections uneccessarily while they delay vaccination. Hopefully an infant won’t be exposed to somethinng with devastating health consequences, but maintaining that risk is something that the medical community doesn’t

it would’ve been great if she went full big ang

Bill Clinton must be running an instructional day camp.

Olivia Munn has bad taste in men but a quick Google shows me that she is pro vaccines. 

The right’s incessant (mis)quoting of MLK is truly astounding.

The only thing I’ll say about that whole relationship thing is that Olivia Munn better get her pregnant ass vaccinated. And if she worries it’s the wrong choice, she can reach out to ICU nurses who keep pregnant patients alive by machine until they can deliver the baby and let them die in peace.

This is a disproportionately heterosexual thing, tho-it plays into existing straight dynamics around cheating, power, and relationship dynamics. Not that such things don’t also exist in LGBT spaces, just that they’re a lot less common. It’s the modern version of “Please, take my wife!”

I am straight and I dont get us. 

It’s even more glaring when you consider that the 1994 photo is of a person with an eating disorder.  

I am so sorry your parents behaved like that. Thank you for sharing this perspective. I hope we don’t make our son feel this way, and I do try to be very aware of my language around him. 

Oh yeah... In the last few years I’ve seen a lot of hostile comments about c-sections. What the fuck should we do? Let the parent die in labor to avoid disappointing the “natural birth” bitches on Facebook? 

There is a lot of ablism tied up in these fears. People fear the specter that their future child might have some developmental delays or neuro-divergence more than they fear actual death.

So you only have to breastfeed a child, they don’t need to eat or be looked after at all if they aren’t breasftfed. And twins!! Looking after newborns is exhausting, let alone 2 of them at the same time. The US has such a fucked up idea of what a functioning society looks like

I’m from the Midwest, and I moved to DC right after college. I had a mentor say not to marry the dude I was with because even though he’ll claim to want to follow me (he did), he’ll renege on that (he did) and get me to stay in the Midwest (he tried) and marry him (he asked) full-well knowing I had zero job prospects

“She later told me not to marry my now-husband because he would seriously limit my career growth and ruin my life…”

I hope all those women who read and raved about Sandberg’s book Lean-in are embarrassed they recommended it to their friends.