
If you're looking to Taken for legitimate guidance and advice, you've got bigger problems. 

What I still can’t get over, and I know I should not be stunned by it, was reading the description of the first episode where the main female character pushes against an onset intimacy coordinator about showing her body because it is ‘limiting her control over her own body.’

Why would anyone look at 2023-era Johnny Depp and think “I wanna smell like THAT guy!” He... does not look hygienic.

I learned of this condition back in the day on an episode of MTV True Life. It was truly informative and not sensationalized.

My thought exactly. Midwives are there to assist with birthing, NOT to provide longterm medical advice or care. A noble profession for sure, but definitely not a pediatrician.

I’m a black pediatrician and something signficant is missing from this story. The reasons why black families choose midwives and home births are unfortunate and justified by how they are treated. And jaundice is a common condition that doesn’t require treatment...until it does. And then when it does, it needs to be

She’s not going to bankrupt the school system. They’ll probably settle for an undisclosed amount that’s a lot less. The amount is to scare the shit out of them.

What AB didn’t say “You conservative rednecked mouth breathers don’t buy as much beer as you used to, so you forced us to expand our consumer marketing”.

“it was my fault for trying to grab your phone,”

Several other commenters called out the whole ‘deleting pictures from Instagram / quoting Beyonce’ as juvenile and this latest faux scandal tracks with that behavior.

D-MER or not being able to breastfeed generally?

I was in the same boat. The person on the phone explained everything that we’d need and how to mix it up if I wasn’t able to express. I didn’t really know much about what teats were best and she explained it to me - that if he was a lazy feeder, to try different teats, but that he would probably go for a medium fast

You know that a majority of us are not ultra orthodox, right?

We have been using this as a tactic when speaking with legislators for decades. 

Yes! Thank you for explaining it so much better than I ever could.

It’s not always an issue of life and death, even for very Orthodox Jews (although you know, Orthodox Jews are only about 10% of the American Jewish population, and it’s pretty gross to blow off the other 90%, who are in total agreement about the religious requirement to have open access to abortion, as if what we’re

Uh, we’ve been speaking up about this for years and years. Christian and culturally Christian people are typically too busy insisting that “Judeo-Christian values” exist (they don’t) to listen to us.

Jewish leaders across the spectrum have always argued that Judaism views abortion differently than Christianity.

This kinda stuff is also why Jews are driven up the wall by Christians who love saying “Judeo-Christian”. There are multiple reasons why it’s inappropriate but my beliefs as a Jew are nowhere NEAR whatever the hell a lot of Christianity is apparently supposed to be these days. Yes, I know, they’re all bad Christians.

Satanists have been making the same argument, abortion is a religious right. I believe there’s currently a court case in Texas over it?