
CPMs really don’t have any medical training. They may go to a midwifery school but the qualifications are super spotty.

It’s weird. It’s also weird that a CPM would feel like they could offer advice on a medical situation with a baby. I have a lot of feels about CPMs attending birth but I have known some lovely ones and they would have directed mom and dad to take the baby in rather than follow an at home remedy. Considering that they

I’m not saying that any of this is justified. If the child was so sick, she needs to be in the hospital. But she’s not... so?

But the person who attended the birth has a doctorate and is a licensed counselor. She is a certified professional midwife (CPM) which means she is *not* a medical professional who was trained

I was a city kid and I’m actually very glad that we had such rigid rules about guns since I have experienced the loss of numerous beloved family and friends due to firearms (suicide), but my husband grew up in a rural area where everyone got a gun by age 10 and he has a lot of terrifying stories! He also has no desire

The insurance company would. They have liability insurance.

I have a 6 year old (6 year olds aren’t toddlers but they also are still very young) and they are SPONGES. They could have witnessed grown ups or older kids shooting the gun. That, coupled with media, could very well be enough. That said, when I had a range pistol, I had enough trouble with the trigger after a half an

I’m not sure I understand. The movie you reference seems to cast the kid as a victim by what I can see in the write-up. Because he would have been a child and preyed upon by this asshole. I am not sure how being the victim of sexual abuse would detract from his abilities as a future Rep.

I mean, he ran for City Council, I believe (in a hot at-large race). He also has a political science degree and has interned.

He’s as qualified as any other white man who feels he is something special. However, his name recognition may make him a good choice if he can actually demonstrate he’s not an idiot and knows

It’s rather pedantic and useless knowledge unless your side hustle is writing about royals.

He deserves a soggy paper box for a house.

Frogmore House has 10 bedrooms... not Frogmore Cottage. Frogmore Cottage may have 10 rooms total. Frogmore House is massive.

Frogmore House has 10 bedrooms. A lot of American news publications got this wrong. Frogmore Cottage has 3 or 4. Frogmore House is a massive country estate with expansive gardens that King Charles used to host Harry and Meghan’s reception at. I would assume it’s as big if not bigger than Royal Lodge. It is truly

Yep. Nothing but shame here for women. No support. And you need a partner to be there to help you manage breastfeeding, too. It requires a village. But my partner went back to work the day after I came home from the hospital.

D-MER. It sounds so challenges. I am sorry you had to go through that.

Bottle feeding was absolutely bonding time for me (and my partner). I wish someone would emphasize that no matter how you feed your baby, it will be a great bonding experience.

What kills me is we had infant CPR... something that is REALLY unlikely to be utilized but something I was glad to get training in. Most everyone uses formula once or twice. Why is it stigmatized? It’s maddening.

In America, I got 0 days of paid leave. I went back to work at 5 weeks postpartum. FIVE WEEKS. Even if I

I am so grateful that a. you had that option and b. you called. I am also so glad the person you called was HELPFUL. God, that is the hardest part. When you feel alone, you don’t know what to do.

No one told me how to use formula or how to make a bottle. If my partner hadn’t had children before ours together, I

All of your last paragraph for SURE. But no matter what, an alive baby is the best outcome. And to be alive, babies need food. I do not know why this is controversial. I will go to the mat for anyone being shamed over how they feed their kid as long as they are feeding it food it can eat. Like, WTAF?! Shaming parents

Do you ever ever feel like it impacted your ability (negatively) to bond with your child? Because this sounds incredibly stressful and I would be SUPER resentful by that point. My friends who have had D-MER have been through hell. And I think the way people have just told them to “suck it up” because they were “doing

Holy shit! I am so sorry for that. What an absolutely terrifying time.  In my case, my entire pregnancy was awful and high risk so by the time I delivered my baby, she couldn’t thrive in my body anymore. I had to get her out to keep us both alive. No one seemed to understand that.

The “Baby Friendly” metrics and goals

Yep. Given that attachment parenting as an ideology was created by religious misogynists, it tracks.

The pressure to breastfeed exclusively is obscene and unrealistic. If only they would focus on supporting combo feeding as a way to increase breastfeeding longevity knowing that it can actually do wonders for people who nurse and the child nursing... but no.

When my kid was born, I was forced to attend prenatal psych