I’d deduct 5 points from Papa John’s score for the fact that the money will go to Papa John.
I’d deduct 5 points from Papa John’s score for the fact that the money will go to Papa John.
According to Grant Wahl, his mind is indeed made up.
As a resident of a city with “Bus Rapid Transit,” I have one thing to say about “Bus Rapid Transit”: The buses are more expensive, that’s about it. (Cities apparently thought up BRT as a clever way to get federal rapid-transit money without actually having to build serious rapid transit.)
This article smells a bit of “I read a Neil DeMause book” - the “gift-or-move” strategy is actually really rare in MLS, where stadiums are actually relatively cheap (both in cost and often in construction) and usually are “privately financed” in return for concessions allowing other, more lucrative items like hotels…
The key words are “in the umpire’s judgment.” In real time it obviously wasn’t enough of a whack for him to notice visually or audibly from behind. He did the responsible thing and consulted his crew. It was not easy to see by anyone without a slow-motion close-up front view. So, not “botched” or a “very serious blown…
That’s pushing it a lot (even considering that Bostonians are the gold standard of annoying sports fans by some considerable margin). With the Cubs Dusty Baker rode great pitchers into the ground and subsequently turned in a 96-loss season. There’s some reason for schadenfreude.
They don’t need wireless readers to use a chip, just a receipt printer (PIN isn’t required, nor do most use it - my favorite cheap cafe actually made my head explode by moving from being the last place I know that still included an entire CC number to not having one on the receipt at all!).
I’m not sure where in the US you are, because where I am (upper left corner-ish), chip-capable readers are at pretty much every supermarket (they’ll force you to use the chip if you try and swipe a chip card) and the majority of restaurants. Square even makes chip reader dongles now, so a significant percentage of…
Actually, if you use Apple Pay or the ever-more-common “chip card,” CC numbers appear exactly nowhere.
Well, “beta” - there’s your problem. The word “beta” means something pretty important.
Thank you for the basic information on updating a phone OS.
Considering the “Update” that the existence of an iPhone passcode (which is in use on roughly 99.9% of iPhones, and doesn’t preclude TouchID/FaceID) is enough to completely foil this “hack,” it’s more effort to find a third-party app than it is to just make sure you’ve added a damn passcode.
1. If Mac users aren’t taking advantage of the easiest automated backup system in existence (Time Machine), that’s their real problem. If a hacker locks my data, I have a very current copy of that data ready to move back onto my wiped computer, and I can maintain that with zero ongoing effort.
That would have been too easy...maybe 10-15 years ago. (Servicing any modern auto is something 99.999% of people rely on someone else for.) Where range is concerned, the modern road-tripper is also becoming extinct too. All you’re missing is something stickshift-related, and you’ll hit the “outdated thinking about…
When someone makes a statement like “the simplest operations brought it to its knees from the beginning” about a machine that not only is seen as a solid computer by people who should know, but fetches good money used even now, chances are that some part of that statement is a lie, if only to himself.
Oh, how wonderful the world would be if only we complied with every request from anyone in an authority position, no matter how unreasonable or arbitrary it seemed.
No, that’s what makes it a fair rule. The offside was what put them into goal-scoring position, period.
I just get a kick out of the Bruins (and their insufferable fans) complaining about the exact same things that won them the 2011 Stanley Cup.
Recalling that this Bruins team basically escaped with its last Stanley Cup and did it by going all-in on “playoff hockey,” I’d simply call this being one-upped by a team that has learned well from the (former) masters.
I’m sure the Clinton Foundation employs lizard monsters from outer space. (Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a Breitbart headline by tomorrow.)