It’s also a little old.
It’s also a little old.
Deadspin is just taunting America.
If you really want your mind blown: had that amendment passed, even Bernie Sanders would have ended up voting against drug importation when he voted against the full Federal budget bill.
The “left” is turning into a conspiracy machine themselves right now.
For a country that defends the “free market” economy with all our might, our sports are incredibly socialist in structure.
Three points:
If “right at the knee” was precisely where the ball was being held, sure. In the video that came into my home, Carpenter basically kicked Sherman as Sherman ran directly to the ball (if you freeze the frame at the appropriate moment, he put his hand ON the ball), then Carpenter fell down and did his best YouTube…
The Bill Simmons problem: People liked to read what Bill Simmons wrote; nobody likes to watch Bill Simmons talk.
Yeah, there are only 35 or so on tap. Sorry about that.
And that jogs my memory to the days of a closer named Norm Charlton, who would occasionally rap on his own cup, I guess to ensure that it still worked.
I think technically they’re cup bumps...
Gas is leaky and explodey.
The hilarious thing is that Assange and Snowden don’t get along, but Assange is happy to make money from Snowden’s likeness.
Was it along the lines of, “because broadcasters’ way of complimenting your free throws will be, ‘he’s man enough to realize his limitations’”?
This is true. We once ousted most of a city council over an illegal sandwich.
Believe it or not, newsreaders are trained to read the words given to them to read (I briefly flirted with the field years ago). Simple reason: reading ahead with your eyes can make you stumble over the words. It doesn’t make for easily stopping and rewording a quote.
The problem with her parody, as with just about any parody of sexism intended to “turn it around” on men, is that most of us would probably be into it.
Just caught the part where you compared him to a guy with nowhere near his HOF stats.
You mean this Keith Law?
If we’re talking younger writers, first we have to find these young local beat writers who are all over WAR, because I’m not seeing many, and then believe that they won’t consider all-time records.