
The homeowner told a reporter he smelled alcohol on the breath of the driver, which is not terribly surprising.

Yes, this. Antonov 225.

I am 27 years old. I grew up in when Honda and Toyota was in their prime. I love me some small little slammed out 4cyl ecoboxes with 7k+ redlines carving around the corners with stripped interiors and just a bucket seat. Now that I have two lovely kids I need something to cruise around with but can still burn some

The Toyota Sera

For me, it's gonna have to be the Jaaaaaaguar XJ40. Objectively, they were terrible - they rusted, their rear suspension setup made no logical sense, they had tons of electrical issues, and they didn't handle as well as the German competition back in those days. But there's just something about the way they look

Not a guilty pleasure to many, but for a born and bread "domestic guy" - these thing.

I know what you mean! Even moreso, I like the previous generation Toyota vans (my guilty pleasure is COE vans), preferably in 4WD!

The USS Halibut SSN-587:

The KM (better known as the Caspian Sea monster)...its purpose was also carrying a lot of stuff (albeit fast and under the radar)

Of course.

Yep hard to argue some Colorado 4-wheeling in the mud and dirt.

The Glomar Explorer?
Built by the old nutcase Howard Hughes from 1971 on to secretly recover the remnants of the Soviet sub K-129 which sunk in 1968. The whole operation was disguised as a deep sea drilling expedition for manganese nodules. They actually managed to raise the bow section of K-129.

what about a Bomber with a 3 megawatt reactor? NB-36H

I can testify to that as well haha

I prefer Land Cruisers myself, but the 4Runner is a fine machine.

I can't wait to get my 4Runner dirty again!

Well it would have been, except for fucking Bob.

Can't wait for the trails to open up!