
Whoo! Awesome.

i flew from Pensacola, FL to Fort Myers, FL to buy a car sight unseen, then drive it the 600 miles back. I then drove it a week later over 900 miles to VA. Looking at going from VA to MI to get another car there and drive it back too.

I can't like this enough

PA and MD seem to have a few scouts between them, if you are looking in that part of the country. York PA, and Baltimor, MD specifically.

works for me.

well its something I heard from a career submariner, so this could be a while ago, or he could be making this up. Or it could be yet another reason why he was retired. I'm thinking he figured out how to do it with the fins and ballast.

this would be why he was "retired" for even postulating the idea. I for one would love to see it, especially a next-gen trying it, or even the jimmy carter. IIRC he had pretty much everything worked out, including reactor cooling and such. It would need to be a skeleton crew on a trial run with very little supplies

ive heard rumors of a sub captain being "retired" after writing about how it was possible to barrel roll a sub underwater.

If you're paying $400,000+, it's probably not going to be an issue, there is a very select market for these.

Someone needs to 'shop Bob into this, stat.

I posted a singer earlier, but probably the best Porsche is the one you can afford, which for me, are these ones:

Good enough to kill Paul Walker, good enough to kill me. I will die happy please and thank you.

I love it.

It's perfect. :)

Obviously. Love it.

That's actually pretty neat, would go great with a Junkers.

I would consider it both, seeing as it's a labor of love to get them to that level of refinement, and a collection of the greatest parts from all the 911 range. I really want to get my MR2 to that level, and have a singer to complement it! If I someday am able to make somewhere into 6 digits a year, I will be buying

I actually like this one best

Anything by singer

That is probably the best soundtrack for a giant column of APC's.