
Is it just me or are most of these white hardcore trash/death metal guys reveal themselves to be awfully conservative once they get old?

Am I the only one who feels that this movie won't do well in the box-office?

You meant Pine? You need to watch last weekend's SNL.

I'm just glad no one is rebooting Labyrynth

That's probably because they used to be part of MTV's demographic…most people don't like to be told they're too old for something they used to enjoy. But yeah, it's true.

Am I the only one who feels that this will be a disaster? Marvel really needs to let go of the Inhuman.

Being governed by Trump IS nerve-wrecking.

"I want to DISRUPT the business model" make as ears bleed as much as nails on a chalkboard.

Linkin Park did write one of the best songs of the '00's (Breaking The Habit) while Blink 182 were busy running around naked.


Well but you don't really #ThinkFat when it comes to superheroes now, do you? There's only room for 1 slightly overweight female superhero in the DCU and I don't think Big Barda will be making her cinematic debut anytime soon.

This movie baffled me at the time. There seemed to be no promotion for it, I had no idea who the blonde girl was (she looks very different in TBBS), the poster was awful and the title was awful. Honestly, the movie might have its merits but I hope the entire Marketing team behind this (if there actually was one) was

Zoolander 2: probably the most expensive unfunny comedy I've ever seen, with the largest amount of pointless celebrity cameos.

I'm loving the game mainly for its style…it's probably the coolest looking game I've played…maybe ever. However I'm not a big Anime fan and this is a giant Anime saga, with loads and loads of text to read. But I'll say this, the writing is not dumb.

I wonder if some people feel true compassion for those who've died fom an OD, even celebrities like MJ, Amy, Prince and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (and George Michael, IMO). Cause I feel most feel some mix of anger and contempt ("They chose to do it", "they were irresponsible", "they were selfish" is stuff you hear a lot

Oh…"another interactive short story" by Telltale disguised as a "video game". Shocking.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates Tranor's "blaccacent". Clueless white girls saying how "bootylicious" they are it's just like nails on a chalkboard.

I didn't enjoy the last Persona game I played (Persona Gold)? It had rave reviews but frankly I thought the whole school thing was way boring.

I feel that the main problem was really Andrew Garfield's casting. A too handsome and charming Brit trying his hardest to be an awkward teenager. Thank God Marvel actually found a regular awkward teenager in Tom Holland and he seems to have the grips of those Spidey's funny quips, the reason why I love the character

Oh c'mon, he's not going anywhere…Trump is probably just waiting to hire him as his Secretary of Pussy Grabbing.