
I like Hathaway. I'll just pretend that Les Mis film never happened.

I've yet to find one thing with Louis CK on it that I didn't love. His free-jazz sitcom might not have been funny ha-ha most of the time but it was damn original and dealt with some deep issues sometimes (and c'mon…DAVID LYNCH did a guest oce), I think he never loses that "guy-next-door" persona, no matter how rich he

What opinions? As a gay man I've never heard or read anything remotely mean-spirited from him about gay people…in fact I love some of his bits on the subject, especially his "gay voice" and that whole thing about wanting to raise his girls gay.

Yay! We've made Trump our President and now we've made this crapfest the #1 movie at the box office.

I do agree that Ms. Marvel is a quality book, although not for my personal taste. Squirrel Girl however…I'm not gonna bash it but I very much dislike this whole "oh-my-god-how-cute-and-quirky" vibe of this book and others from Marvel, like Patsy Walker, America, Gwenpool and some issues of Captain Marvel. And no, I'm

I'd love for him to start humming "Under The Sea" at some point.

It was my understanding there would be no math

My other take is that it's crystal clear that Murphy did not want Lange or Sarandon to create "parodies" of neither of them. They are doing their own version of Crawford and Davis without imitating their voices or anything like that. You could argue Sarandon is doing a more faithful version of Davis, and she's killing

Well I can tell you one thing: "Mamacita, fetch me a drink please" or whatever variation of that is already becoming part of the gay lexicon.

I know I'm late for the party but WHY an A-? Ihnat, this was THE best episode yet. I saw myself laughing and getting emotional throughout many scenes. Honestly…aside from "The People Vs OJ" this might just be the 2nd show that Ryan Murphy doesn't manage to screw up. This series has been so good I don't even get

Are you me?

Yes but my beef with it was that the narrative was devised to make you care for the dying Marxist and his fellow elderly former "revolutionaries" and they all seemed very pretentious and self-righteous.

More like Aquabro

Frances McDormand at her most Frances McDormand-ish!!! Plus Woody Harrelson! If Bill Murray was in it as well I don't think my heart could take it.

Nothing against French-Canadian cinema and I like Dolan's stuff but I thought LIB reeked of pretentiousness, snobbishness and self-righteousness.

After being a Marvelhead for ages I've done a complete 360 since Hickman left the company after Secret Wars. I don't know if it's Mickey Mouse's influence but my pull list from Marvel has dropped immensely, I mainly kept Amazing Spider-Man and Deadpool. I flip through some of the other stuff (like Civil War II and


Thanks Spidey, I needed this palate cleanser after that "dark and gritty" Justice League trailer

Infooooooormer / You know say Daddy Snow me, I'm gonna blame / a licky boom-boom down

Chris Hemsworth? Yeah I love him but Ragnarok will feature Cate freaking Blanchett as Hela…one single scene of her as Hela will probably be way worthier than JL + WW combined