
There's something about Idris Elba that rubs me the wrong way. I think it's because I read one or two interviews with him and he sounds like the worst type of alpha-male…he seems to care a lot about being the "alpha" and virile and all that shit. Utterly jock-ish.


I had to watch "Wonder Woman" in 3D because the 2D version was sold out and guess what boys and girls? Yes, the movie was, literally, dark as hell. Thank God for this news.

Guess what? 0%!! at Rottentomatoes. Is that a new record?

The media looooooves to complain about "superhero movie fatigue" but no one talks about "smartass animation fatigue". Seriously, this movie is symbolic of this movement and I for one cannot stand these anymore, I don't care if it's "for the kids".

You mean the ending?

I feel you

IMO, the major consequence is that the 4th movie will be called "The New Avengers", and will feature mostly the new players like Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, amongst others

AV Club, according to the RT score, you seem to be alone in your criticism.

And that is why we can't have nice things. Back in the 80's we never dreamt we would see these characters onscreen, at least not done right. And now everybody's jaded and over it and "oh enough with superheroes" and shit. Sure, send more rom-coms and fratboy comedies and westerns and ultrasensitive indies and horror

i just have this nagging feeling that people's problems with her have nothing to do with her music and actually to do with a specific type of female image she represents that bother people somehow.

I don't like Lana as much as I used to but I have absolutely nothing against her. She doesn't offend my musical tastes and she doesn't behave in any stupid way publicly, as far as I know (see Justin Bieber). And yet, soooooooo many people seem to have a beef with her and it's simply beyond my understanding.

I'm glad because, so far, Archer Dreamland has been a major disappointment

Probably the best Marvel trailer of all times…got me stoked as hell, and all thanks to Cate Blanchett's Hela. She'll steal every fucking scene she's in. Can't wait.

I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on the Switch. I miss Mario and Link way too much.

Teach me then! What is the secret??

The bosses at FFXII are just as brutal. Some battles take over 20 min.

I played a demo of Nier and i don't think it's for me

Bloodborne makes me feel like the most useless, incompetent gamer ever. It bums me down hard.

Guys, serious question: should I buy Horizon Zero Dawn? Here are some of my last fav games: Witcher 3, GTAV, FFXII, Until Dawn, Batman: Arkham Knight, Dragon Age: Inquisition