
Call me when they do the Giffen version with Booster Gold, Blue Bettle, Fire, Ice, Orion and Captain Atom.

Nope, I'm not convinced. I'm loving DC's comics right now but as far as the movies this one looks like an expensive fan made one. The only player that's looking good is Momoa, although he is playing an entirely different character than his comic book counterpart. Might as well call him something else.

I've been hearing great things about it, that's why I'm so torn between those 3 games. Actually the one I really wanna get its Torment but my local game store still didn't have it and they'll be selling it for less than the PS Store.

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. I like some French movies but, unlike what some critics think, pointless drivel is pointless drivel, no matter in what language.

True but, and correct me if I'm wrong, I remember Kristen and Dax saying a few years ago that they wouldn't get married until there was marriage equality (i.e. gay marriage) across the country. So they always came across as big liberals and all…but whatever, I guess it's fair to stand up for gay rights until a hacky

I think they did in a sort of meta way…it didn't bother me, a gay man, I enjoyed both of them, the sequel much more though.

You say that as if implying Chinese people are stupid. "They watch anything with special effects".

Sure pal, judge a movie made 50 years ago by today's standards if you wanna feel superior. Hell, judge the entire history of mankind if that will give you a buzz.

"This is called snark and you DO NOT wanna do this Dewey!"

He might not be a saint (who is anyway?) but considering he didn't invent any of these destructive concoctions so much as simply published about them, I'd say the guy has way less blood on his hands than the guy who invented gunpowder, the guy who invented automatic firearms, the guy who invented missiles, the guy who

That damn capital A in the Avengers put this entire logo to shame

From my personal history with RT, a 50%-ish score doesn't mean the movie is bad…it's what the press calls "mixed reviews". The problem is movie snobs who deem anything below 60% as "crap". I think usually RT is spot on with their scores. Sure, they gave "Wet Hot American Summer" a very low grade but a lot of "cult"

The creator of the damn thing is ok with it but Twitter couldn't give a rat's ass about it. It's like if Jesus himself came back and said "Hey people, it's ok to eat animals, it's cool by me" and the Christian Vegans would give him the finger and keep saying eating animals is immoral.

Will there ever come a day when a mainstream American comedy doesn't rely on fart, shit or gay-fear jokes? I'm still hoping.

With the exception of that awful "The Interview" and "Green Hornet", most Seth Rogen films are not bad so I don't think it's fair to compare Rogen's filmography with Adam Sandler's. In fact one of the last decent Sandler films, "Funny People", had Rogen in it.
"Chips" sounds like a 2017 "Let's Be Cops", another

You will and you will have to pray to Super Mario to grant you his forgiveness. Good luck with that, he's a bit jumpy.

Btw: Journey is definitely one of the most wonderful things to ever grace my tv screen…besides Chris Hemsworth of course

Step 1: Buy either a PS4 or an XBox One or a PC

Ok I believe this is a good moment for a burning question of mine: is No Man's Sky a good chillout experience? Forget the "gaming" aspects, i'm quite aware by now that it's not really a game in the traditional sense of the word. I just wanna know, considering its reduced price now, if it's a worthy introspective

God almighty that game was one of the most bonkers, joyful things this side of Super Mario. They really should make a special PS4 version.