
Tru dat. I finished it.

I haven't played it yet but I've been reading a lot of complaints regarding useless dumb side quests. Fetch this, collect that, talk to this…

Did someone mentioned "Dragon Age"? I'll sign up for anything involving those words. Yes, even that dreadful DAII was still miles better than most rpg's.

Well…to be fair, a game's ending is not that important to me, it has never been and most video game ending's suck big time and I don't actually reach the ending for 80% of the games I play. I loved Dragon Age: Inquisition and I still haven't finished it (I cannot kill one of the dragons and I'm a completist). Doesn't

It does seem wacky and fun as hell. To what game would you compare it to in terms of gameplay? GTA? Dead Rising? Saints Row?

I know, I'm just thinking which one is more fun overall. Yakuza 0 seems quite fun, good mix of fun and silly and Dead Rising-style combat. Horizon…my main beef with Horizon is not only the fact that I prefer to play male characters (don't even ask, I just do) but all combat is made with a bow and arrow right? Might

I don't care. I belittle them the same way I belittle half of this country who voted for Agent Orange…Commander Sheppard sacrificed himself in the most noble way, he went down in flames (at least on my ending). I felt good about that.

Iron Bull from DA:I should have been included. Just because.

I'm glad to know it might not be that terrible. But what about Dragon Age: Inquisition? No love from you? I loved it.

This is the saddest news of the week for me. I was a massive ME fan, I loved even the bad things about each game but this sounds beyond bad.

I just assumed you'd be, you know, ACTUALLY driving a car through the world but the car is just a gimmick since you cannot really do anything with it aside from going from point A to B. You cannot drive faster, you cannot drive off the roads…the car mechanic is a joke. I wasn't expecting a GTA but I was really

How have you felt regarding FFXV? I've just started it, still on Chapter 3 and mostly doing side quests. I haven't gotten that typical "epic" FF feeling just yet but I suppose that will improve on later chapters. Highlight so far was the Bahamut fight, lowpoint is the damn car. It's a huge waste of time.

Aren't we just glad that nobody…I mean NOBODY…misses "Home Improvement"? "Mad About You" or "The Nanny" (before she married Mr. Sheffield, obviously)? Yeah, people do miss those. But HI? Nooooooope

Congrats man, I always enjoy making others feeling superior. Hope I made your day.

Yes…poor defenseless women with no money, no brains and no agency right? Little women indeed.

Misogynist? Nope, sorry, you're wrong. These girls are selling a highly sexualized version of themselves in order to sell concert tickets and gain sponsorships and become spokespeople for shampoo and cosmetics and their whole image has absolutely no artistic intention or concept behind it whatsoever (as opposed to,

I'm gay tho

I know but they don't LOOK mid-20's at all, and that was my point. They don't look like full adult women.

Am I wrong though?

When it feels right. White Goku? Bad. White Iron Fist? Good.