
Then again, when he doesn't look bored, the results can be craptastic. Exhibit A: "The Interview"

She basically always plays herself…she doesn't really have a range. In fact, her character in Twilight was the one most far removed from her own personality. But these days, if a script needs a "cool-girl-who-doesnt-give-a-shit", she's the first on their minds. And God knows how much scriptwriters love to create male

It has absolutely nothing in common with Garden State or Juno. It's quite a depressing low-budget indie with no happy ending. That scene where they sing "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" is not representative of the rest of the movie at all. I love Wiig and Hader but I'm quite indifferent to that movie…it's neither good

I read an interview with her once where she stated that she caused a lot of problems for Jefferson Starship in the late 70's due to her alcoholism, which was the reason she joined Starship in the 80's even though she didn't like the direction they were going. She felt like she owned them for her past behavior and she

It's quite a shame that Grace never had much success past the 70's…she was a vocal powerhouse. But I think the experience with Starship and recording "We Built This City" was too much for her, I think she was left with PTSD

I'm still seriously disappointed in Maher for not calling Milo out on his bullshit on his show. He might have some buddy-buddy relationship with Ann Coulter but he always called her out on her bullshit. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why he was being so nice to Milo. I used to like him and his show, I'm not

This scene is forever imprinted in my brain. This entire film really but particularly this scene and the one where they meet on the bench for the last time after she gets engaged. That whole speech she gave about the probabilities of meeting someone, wondering the many possible "what ifs" when she met her husband to

Dude became a multimillionaire by saying stupid shit while playing videogames…I think everyone has the right to dislike him, even a little bit.

I think some people seem to forget that it's a tv show and it does need media buzz and audiences. He booked Milo and guess what happened? It's all over the media and here we are debating it so that's a win for the Real Time producers. I know it's not the most popular opinion here but I really like Bill and agree with

I'd include "Walk The Line" to the list. To me the Johnny Cash biopic is the ultimate love story because, if it was fiction, people wouldn't believe it.

The Grammys are all about two things: a) the most commercially successful artists and b) the least threatening and controversial. They might put Lady Gaga or Katy Perry out there doing crazy-ass performances but they will hand the awards to the most MOR artists, with a few exceptions sometimes, obviously.

Google "Miles Teller" douche and tell me what you find

Who screwed underage girls? Bowie? I never heard of that before…were you present when this happened? Dude married Iman, who's just a bit younger than him, I don't believe he was a perv at all man and stop saying that just cause you read it on some stupid blog.

Well who wasn't going nuts in the 70's? Plus this young guy became the biggest rock star on the planet and he was creating a lot of original stuff and breaking barriers, it probably screwed with his head a bit, I can't blame him. Which was the reason he "exiled" himself in Berlin for a while. Rumour has it that he

PS: Can we, at least for the time being, cut those oh-so-stimulating discussions about SNL not being as good as it used to? A sketch show is always hit-or-miss because the odds of every sketch being fantastically funny and witty will always be low. But the fact is SNL continues to be one of the most talked, discussed

Baldwinisms aside, I'm baffled by how quicky I fell out of love with Ed Sheeran. That first album, +, was one of my favorites of that year, I was completely infatuated with A-Team and at least half of the songs on that album. And I know I'm pretty much going against the entire world on this but that X album…no. Just

Oh they are talented, I'd never say they aren't but I can't separate the art from the shitty personality.

You think those type of sexual relationships don't happen in real life? Sorry to burst your bubble snowflake, they DO happen. It's not about celebrating, it's about acknowledging them.

Oh please, because she claims she wasn't aware of the whole "butter" thing? She was an adult woman, she could always have said NO and walked away

"Last Tango In Paris" would still be considered X-rated, not-for-regular-audiences til this day. That says a lot about prudish America.