
There's still plenty of transgressive films being made today. Gaspar Noe's and Xavier Dolan's come to mind.

Oh that was just a taste of it. I could include a lot more…I still like Michael Jackson's and Whitney Houston's songs, for example, but not the same way I used to when I was a kid. Also, I can't stand Lady Gaga and Tom Hiddleston anymore. PR bullshit spin doesn't work on me, I can see through it.

If these movies were made by European producers/directors, then its audiences would get the real deal. Unfortunately, the average American woman remains prudish and I don't think that's ever going to change really. I mean, can anyone imagine a film like "Elle" being a box-office hit here?

Unfortunately I can't ever separate the person from their talent and I've read one or two interviews with David Oyelowo and he seems like a douche. Same feeling I have for Miles Teller, Kanye West or Shia LaBeouf.

For a "Wolverine" comic it is indeed

Has anyone here read the last issue of Saga? I'm out of adjectives about that book at this point but…it was brutal in all the right ways. Everyone who's into comics and/or sci-fi should be reading it.

I think, overall, they're aiming for "cute and fun" while DC is aiming for "epic and classic". I'm aware that it might seem like I'm generalising but well…this new Monsters Unleashed crossover is a very good example of "cute and fun" while Justice League Vs Suicide Squad is a very good example of "epic and classic".

I know a lot of people here are defending Marvel for having a more diverse number of writers/artists and good for them, I have nothing against that. My problem is that, since Jonathan Hickman left Marvel, they decided to go for an all-ages/kid-friendly direction, as illustrated by books such as All-New All-Different

Stoked to see it…but the upcoming Thor also seems pretty cool. I mean…Cate Blanchett playing Hela, Goddess of Hel? That's all I needed to know

Compared to the last ones this was average. The whole production design seemed like something out of a Cirque Di Soleil rehearsal performance.

Mixing legal drugs is the most dangerous thing to do next to actually doing illegal hard drugs…if I take a benzo I take only 1 and that's it. And Adderal and Xanax? That makes absolutely no sense. If she was feeling too edgy from the Adderal then she should have lowered the dosage, instead of trying to "fix" the issue

I still don't have a firm opinion on Milo. I'm obviously not into the alt-right at all but most of the times I think he's just trolling everybody. Does he come across as smart? Articulate? I've never watched a whole interview with him.

Whatever, I do think Kristen is the coolest chick in showbusiness, period. And it doesn't seem fake either…I mean, just watch her in "Panic Room"! She was always cool. And she's a good actress…she just doesn't have the range of , let's say, Cate Blanchett or TIlda Swinton but who does these days anyway?

Correct me if I'm wrong but they're the only 80's superband still selling out stadiums, aside from U2.

I can only judge "The Mode" once I hear the entire album

I have never seen them live EVER but they're playing the London Olympic Stadium this year ON MY BIRTHDAY. It won't be cheap but whatever, one more for my credit card debt.

Wrong hit me like a ton of bricks, considering my history with depression.

Exactly, not a big Delta Machine fan either…Playing The Angel was still their best last album IMO but they blow you away live like few bands do.

They're still one of the most amazing live bands

Yes, Ellen Degeneres. She was great in Labyrynth