
They're my second favorite band (after my avatar, which can't exactly be called a "band" but who cares for semantics?) but I thought this whole "Where's The Revolution" thing is a bit too much on the nose, isn't it?

Marvel has went downhill (I mean, downhill **hard**) once Jonathan Hickman left and they made Brian Michael Bendis the gatekeeper. Bendis has been biting way more than he can chew for years now and Marvel won't get its shit together until they let him go and introduce fresh blood.

I felt this was an overwritten, overcomplicated review for a not so complicated show. We're not talking Westworld here people.

There were mainly 3 wrong things with that movie: Jared Leto, Cara Delevigne and Joel Kinnaman. They were all horribly miscasts in it, especially Leto as the Joker, which was just embarassing to watch. He clearly did not understand the essence of the character.

Every year there are countless think pieces about "Oscar snubs". The list of nominees will never please everybody, we just have to accept it.

I genuinely disagree and I don't think I'm being naive. The buzz surrounding Isabelle in the media is gigantic and, let's face it, "Jackie" did not generate the hype that the studio was expecting. There is zero chance that Natalie will win at this point.

Saying the Oscars should become some sort of "World Cinema" awards is like saying the Grammys should be like the Mercury Prize Shortlist. Wake up people, it ain't gonna happen.

Man, why resort to this click-baity shit? Honestly AV, pleeeeeeease do not become Vulture or Slate, it would break my damn heart.

Exactly but they sang in tune. I hate this generation that grew up with shows like American Idol, X-Factor and The Voice…it seems like everyone turned into Simon Cowell/Randy Jackson copycats when it comes to judging singing these days. Just because you don't have the vocal chords of people like Adele or Jennifer

Maybe they were being cautious with her because of her racists' tweets that were discovered as soon as she was cast. But it seems that everyone has forgotten about that.

But did they? I don't remember, was there any SNL member who parodied Carter?

Sorry…I think we're all gonna get a bit defensive during these new "Dark Ages"

Let's agree to disagree then. This is not just about a difference between political parties…Trump represents everything that is wrong in mankind, the bottom of the barrel. He is a threat not only to the country but to the entire world because he is clearly mentally unstable. Obama, meanwhile, was the exact opposite of

Sorry for being human but I do have a problem with people who don't love or respect Obama. I have the utmost respect for him so I will defend him, always. He wasn't perfect…there has never been a perfect president, nor there will ever be…but he was a great role model for kids and for the black community…and for the

The only way they could have made a parody of Obama was if it was in a sort of mean-spirited way, which doesn't fit the tone of SNL.

Nah don't be so pessimistic. Trump will eventually be impeached.

1. It's supposed to be whatever Lorne Michaels' and their writers wants it to be, not what you think it should be. There were many occasions in the past where SNL went "serious". Being a live show is a major part of those decisions.

So a comedy show cannot pay tribute to a great man because it's a comedy show? That makes zero sense.

Why do Trump voters come to the comment section of the review of a comedy show that is written by libertarians? Go back to Breitbart man

Oh ok, I thought you were against it like NoRez.