
Keep hitting that Thesaurus man, it's clearly working for you

Exactly. Nixon, Reagan, Big Bush, Clinton, Little Bush..,.all of them had certain silly traits that were easy target for parody. But not Obama. I don't think Jimmy Carter was also a good source for parody as well. Was he?

Trump voter huh?

Lol what? Does that mean the song can only be sung to honor Sidney Poitier? I'm aware of the movie dear sir but I do not understand your point…if there even was any.

90% of all jokes are based on stereotypes and tropes. Yeah, it may be lazy but it is what it is so I do agree with you and I did find the "friend zone" sketch funny. Also, from personal experience, some girls DO prefer douches who treat them like shit. I'm gay and some gay men are exactly the same. Some people just

Huh…when was SNL not partisan? How long have you been following this show? They do make fun of every president but they are always harder on the Republican ones (and, truth be told, I never found any Obama impression funny. There was never anything silly about his behavior. That's a hard fact).

I appreciated the fact that they chose a song that most people seem to have forgotten. Also, it did match with the message's intention: Obama "taught" the country how to serve with class and dignity.

What follooooooooooooooows….will SWA-LLOW WHOLE!!!

I disagree wholeheartedly with your opinion of Cecily and Sasheer's rendition of "To Sir With Love". It was touching AS HELL. I just wished they didn't end it with that mug joke in the end…it should have been earnest and sweet from beginning to end. But it still worked.

Maybe I read too much into your question but you have to admit that it was a bit weird. "Mental health disorders give superpowers"? In what horror movie that ever happened? I wouldn't classify Jason Vorhees as suffering from "mental health", he was a zombie monster.

Oh God, honestly? Enough with this "stop portraying people with mental health disorders as psychopaths" bullshit. IT HAPPENS. I'm bipolar and it doesn't offend me…and if directors of horror/action/thriller movies stop using this trope then all we're left with are ghosts and monsters.

He could either just be a brat…or a rock'n'roll icon in the making. History will decide.

"I'm going to brush my teeth"

Ok good but what about Mr. Pickles?

What the hell was this BREEDER guy on about? I think I read every iteration of Savage Love last year and I got the impression that the majority of questions featured were from straight women.

I just read the first issue of the new Captain Marvel series (called "The Mighty Captain Marvel", which might piss off a certain Norse God) and I cannot take it seriously. They ruined Carol Danvers during CWII and now they are trying to make readers be sympathetic towards her because of what? Because she's a woman?

Here here. The first Captain Marvel book was ok but, and go ahead and call me crazy, I still prefer Brian Reed's Ms. Marvel run. I do not like this uber-military version of Carol Danvers

Yes I'm aware that it can't be all jokes and chimichangas all the time but I truly hate this whole daughter thing. It takes the edge off of him…I prefer any plot that doesn't involve him being concerned with his daughter's safety.

South Park tried to make J.J. and the Star Wars reboot to be the devil, the poison that led to Trump's win on this last season. The problem is when people take South Park literally and forget that not only they always engage in extreme parodies (does anyone really believe that they hate Barbra Streisand that much?

I've been a Marvel fanboy for over 10 years. Last year, I became a DC fanboy. No one was more shocked than me. My favorite monthly comics now are Detective Comics (MUST READ!), Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Suicide Squad, Midnighter & Apollo and Green Lanterns.