
I'm was pleased with most of it: I don't watch "Black-ish" but Tracee Ellis-Ross is so damn charming; La La La deservedly won almost everything; Moonlight won for Best Drama; Atlanta won 2x; Streep and Davis proved once more that they are incredibly classy acts and smart, fierce ladies; ISABELLE "FUCKING" HUPPERT won.

Man…a Scorsese movie about a man with a huge narcisistic personality (obviously played by Leonardo DiCaprio full of prosthetics) with ties to the mafia.

Apparently George suffered from massive bouts of depression…Elton John mentioned that once in an interview. Funny isn't it…how can someone so talented, with so much more to give to the world be in such a dark place?

IGN gave this one a surprisingly good rate. But, obviously, I don't exactly trust IGN that much when it comes to film reviews…games, yes, but not films. I guess it's their lack of high grade snark.

The teaser didn't have me at Gosling or Ford…it had me at Villeneuve.

Shame, I loved this movie. Weird as fuck and Parisian as fuck. The best dark comedy I've seen in years.

This type of argument is the most efficient way to put me to sleep. Please AV Club give me more of this, since I tend to suffer from insomnia.

Comparing Nina Simoe with Beyonce? Just because both are black women who can sing? We're talking apples and oranges here my friend, very different styles of music. Plus: Nina played the piano. That was it. Hip-hop requires music software knowledge, cause we're talking beats and samples, not instruments. I play the

I still find it weird, especially due to the fact that the AV Club is not usually too fond of snobbery in general when compared to other pop culture websites. I mean…the album itself is damn good (and I'm mostly a rock and electronica guy myself) but is also incredibly culturally relevant for 2016. It's just weird

I love me some M.I.A. but, for whatever reason, her latest is not featured on any Best Of lists I could find.

Are these made up?

Too mainstream man. You know how these pop culture journalists are: they have to prove to their colleagues how "cool" they are all the time so they pick completely obscure albums and movies (less so with movies though) that only a handful of people listened to/watched. Trust me, that's the reason: "coolness"

I love "La La Land" so much I cannot socialise properly with people who dislike it at the moment. Maybe in 6 months, once my love for it gets a bit less gigantic.

"La La Land" is NOT for cynicals or bitters AT ALL. If you are a dreamer, a lover, a warm and kind, romantic, sensitive, idealistic human being, then this is THE movie for you. It's worth mentioning that I loved Chazelle's last film, "Whiplash", which is the exact opposite of this one…an almost "evil" movie I'd say.

How could the Foreign Press nominate "City of Stars" instead of "Audition"?? Both are beautiful but Emma Stone singing "Audition" is sublime…magical..not one dry eye in the theater! I hope the Oscars correct this mistake. I mean…"Can't Stop The Feeling"? Really? The worst thing Justin has ever done. I would be

Oh dear God, enough with war movies!!!

Oh man, Bowie…the way I "discovered" him is kind of an interesting story. Before he released "Reality" I only knew him from his mid-80s popstar stuff and "Labyrinth", my favorite childhood movie.

Since I have never been big on sappy romances ("Sleeping With Other People" as the only exception) I'll see your Beauty & The Beast and always raise you The Lion King, which is the most epic animated feature of all time.

Funny, I've always thought "terror sex" is what Trump does to Melania

Your belly will surely thank you for that