
Beer = high school
Vodka = college
Whisky = grown-fucking man

That's a hell of a good lesson for directors out there: when you know you have the right actor for the part, and you can see the fire in his/her eyes about wanting that role so badly, you gotta trust the actor with doing the best choices for the character.

Uuuuh Marion Cotillard won for La Vie En Rose and literally no one knew who she was.

If I was Fox I'd try either these two directions: 1) go for the Jim Lee/cartoon era. I'm talking flashy costumes, Jubilee and Rogue with the badass attitude. This would strike a chord with the 30 somethings and would obviously still appeal to the younger demographic. Or 2) Go for the Grant Morrison era, with Emma

I sincerely hope Isabelle Huppert gets the Oscar next year. She's a powerhouse and there is literally no competition that even comes close to this performance. People are talking Amy Adams for "Arrival" and "Nocturnal Animals" and I do agree that Adams is turning out to be a damn good actress but Huppert is on a whole

Judd Nelson is seriously under appreciated. He can bring such intensity to any role, it's surprising to me that people don't give him more opportunities.

Here's my biggest question mark: we all know Trump will fail his voters, that's a given. Wall in Mexico? Forget it, unless we pay for it. Bringing industries back? Unlikely. Economic war against China? I really don't think we can afford it.

Blame Canada doesn't sound so funny now, does it??

Final Fantasy XV will be released next month and it will suck all of my free time. Thanks Square.

Ok last post, I made a most delightful rational decision: I'm gonna watch some porn and forget that the world is burning. Run to our safe heavens: Pornhub, XHamster and Xvideos guys. They will be keeping our mental health safe during these next days.

And to me absolute saddest thing of all of this is the fact that we let President Obama down. One of the classiest, noblest, most gentle Presidents we've ever had…and this is how we decide to follow him.

We'll obviously not gonna be able to keep calling this country The United States of America, since it might die tomorrow.

Exactly. I won't avoid the internet but I will avoid every political editorial…and I will also have to stop watching John Oliver and Bill Maher, who I love. I will simply forget politics exist and concentrate on Arts & Culture. Who knows, I might even become happier.
Of course, then again, we might have a new Civil War

Wait…what is NOT wrong with Florida? Land of face-eating bath salt addicts and mutated alligators. And Insane Clown Posse.

Ok so if Orange Voldemort actually becomes President of…of whatever this will be now I see a few scenarios:
1. He might not last 4 years there. We all know how many skeletons in the closet that one has and because the country is so divided he will still have 50% of Americans hating him more than they hated Nixon. So

I have a good sense of humour but there's absolutely ZERO comedy in what he said. I don't think people understand the stakes of this election, it's make-or-break for America and the rest of the world. Any insane celebrity defending or endorsing him will never see a penny from me for the rest of their miserable lives.

That doesn't seem like a very Killjoy comment

No doubt about it but Carrie is the current country princess. Miranda is like her badass smarter sister.

So, because I support the BLM movement does that I mean I support the killing of cops? Is that how it works around the hicks brain?

Kenny Chesney and Miranda Lambert seemed particularly "pleased" to see her with the Dixies