
The Dixie Chicks are one of the few country acts able to laugh at themselves and at the "industry". I mean, compare them to current country "princess" Carrie Underwood.

I sincerely doubt Dolly Parton is happy about this

There's only so much pot left in the world

Yeah…"almost" but not really. This whole year has been a bummer. Thank God for two new seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race and a new season of Bojack Horseman and Beyonce's Formation. Otherwise it would have been a complete trash of a year.

I wanna believe in that but name one recent film that relies on CGI that costed less than $100 Million. The only one I can think of is Chronicle.

Exactly but a movie that demands this much CGI cannot be a movie for "small audiences"…it needs to turn a profit and CGI is still damn expensive

Well we are in 2016 (17 almost) and I find it really hard to believe that a Sandman film, with all the CGI it requires, would be nothing short of a tentpole film.

Blockbuster weird films? When?

Even though I've never read any script, obviously, I do agree: I don't see Sandman as a tentpole film. It's too weird for that.

There was an article today on The Cut: 9 Women On Why Are They (Still) Voting For Trump. I almost felt my head imploding with the amount of stupidity I read. The fuck is wrong with our schools? I mean, honestly…don't people understand critical thinking anymore? Common sense? Right from wrong?

There are no words…people are revolting man. These hicks don't deserve anything good.

That 2-minute cameo in the Madonna documentary did more damage to his career than all of his post-"Dances With Wolves" output combined

I may hate sexist bros but I love my money so Uber it is

All three are connected. Just think about it.

No porn and no Uber. What's next, no AV Club?

You don't really like superhero films, do you?

Debbie Downer!! Long time no see

Well I'm not groping women or making fun of minorities so I don't think I'm there yet

I did watch 2 of these and…well…I hate to say it but most of these people just weren't very interesting subjects

Look in the fucking mirror man…and take off the tinfoil hat