
This election has become nasty and ugly just for the inclusion of Trump alone. And dissing Hilary at this point is giving Trump voters more power…you wanna diss Hillary? Wait for after the election

I am Mr. Cool, at least I'm not spending my day yelling 130 MILLION DOLLARS on an AV Club comment section

Yes you are. Louis' whole shtick is that he's a bit of a curmudgeon. In 5 years time he'll be yelling kids to get off his lawn.

Didn't Tina Fey and Amy Poehler proclaim years ago that "Bitch is the new black"?

Oh man, Jezebel? Seriously? You are nitpicking the internet looking for proof to justify your Trump vote?

Again: the stakes are incredibly high. The idea of saying "President Trump" induces vomit, you can't blame human beings for being passionate. The fate of the entire world hangs on this election

There's no proof of that, that's Breitbart bullshit

Man that makes zero sense. You have 2 choices, choose the less worst one. Simple.

I can't move on when idiots like you keep spreading false information to protect your saint of a candidate, Trump

Do you think, with so much at stake at this point, it is easy to maintain composure? Fuck composure, I hate Trump and his lackeys

How can anybody be defending Trump at this point is beyond me. Seriously, I will gladly end friendships that are endorsing Trump at this point (thank God all my close friends, and my parents, are voting Hillary)

Would Trump?

The FBI has been called to investigate the content of her emails because THEY HAVE TO, not because there is actual incriminating stuff in them.

I'm talking Trump here. She is only under investigation because of the private email server, there is nothing about her stealing money anywhere else. Go back to Breitbart you Trump licker

Let's talk ACTUAL incriminating stuff: did she release any national security information through those emails? I'm not saying what she did wasn't wrong, I wanna know how people can compare this "scandal" with the multitude of bad/horrific things Trump has done.

What email scandal? I mean seriously…name one incriminating thing contained on those emails.

No he's not. He's definitely not gonna win…his entire campaign has been imploding since the pussy comments.

There is no bigger crook than Donald Trump. Not even Bush was this bad.


Yeah smartass? What about Trump University? What about his goddamn tax returns? What about this imaginary Mexico wall which Mexico has already said it will never paid for? What about his pussy grabbing comments? What about the fact that he was only able to make his fortune due to his daddy giving him 1 MILLION DOLLARS