
I've made up my mind during this election about Republicans: they are evil. Simple as that. I mean…when you see Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio what comes to mind? Evil. Trump? He has been evil since the 80s. What do I mean by evil? Liars, hypocrites, greedy motherfuckers, want power more than anything else even if they throw

Shut the fuck up man and own up to the fact that you are a goddamn Trump asslicker. When Trump becomes president and the US economy plunges into chaos don't come crying

There's only one type of zombie movie I'd still like to see: an all-black cast (or at least with black lead characters) set in Haiti exploring the "real" zombie myth, sort of a spiritual successor to "The Serpent & The Rainbow"

That movie was depressing as fuck, watched it once and never again

'member Suspiria? Oooh I 'member

Ok but I'm probably not alone in this…I've been following her career since Fame and if I didn't know about this I'm sure loads of other people also don't. And she can consider herself bisexual all she wants but it doesn't really become real until she actually shows up with a girl in public.
And if you ask me you're

I have never heard of Lady Gaga identifying herself as bisexual. Never heard of that in my life.

At this point in the election I have zero tolerance for people like you saying "Bu-but Hilary is just as bad!!".

C- for you Universal. Sorry sweetie, not everyone can be an A student like Marvel (just look at DC over there) but nice try!

Oh man, fanboys will be fanboys. Facepalms to everyone, on me!

We obviously have immensely different opinions about Gaga and I think discussing it will obviously not change that but I do respect your admiration of her. Personally I think she's an incredibly cold and calculated celebrity and I think a "pop diva" pandering to gay men has zero risk involved, it just comes with the

Oh I'm sure loads of people around the world danced endlessly to Born This Way and identified themselves with its message but I tend to be a bit more cynical about celebrities and their status as "saviours". In that sense I prefer Madonna…she never really pretended to be "one of us". Yes, she benefitted from her gay

As a gay man myself I think Gaga's "queerness" is as authentic as her newfound love of country music. I did love The Fame Monster but her anthem-for-the-oppressed, "Born This Way", rubbed me the wrong way and I never saw her the same way since then.

It's funny how, in hindsight, all the signs that Mike Myers was an egomaniacal asshole were all there but we couldn't see it because of the "comedy". I can only imagine how monstrous he had become by the time he did "The Love Guru", when he officially was kicked out of Hollywood.

Artpop might not have been that awful…in fact I think it was superior to Joanne…but the problem is that the album was all about Gaga and Gaga's career, with "Applause" as the best example of that. Navel-gazing as the theme for your 3RD album is a bit much.

Oh God please don't compare this to Stevie Nick's legendary "Bella Donna". There is nothing in this album that even remotely resembles "Edge of Seventeen" or "Stop Draggin My Heart Around". If Gaga loves musical theatre and dressing up so badly there's a place in New York for that, maybe she should try it for her next

This movie is amazing. The most striking thing is how it allows characters to just be, alone in their silence…there are no hyper-dramatic scenes or Oscar-worthy monologues and the subdued nature of it makes the story and the performances even more impactful. I hope we start to see more projects like this and less like

I cannot help but see some Negan/Rick parallels into the current election

Or an erect penis, the most offensive thing in the entire universe

I tried but couldn't get into it, most characters are simply not that fascinating for me and I still don't understand why the "zombie apocalypse" trope turned into this giant mainstream thing over the past 10 years. I'm sure there is a sociological paper on this somewhere.