
On a realistic situation, if one individual becomes leader of a group sort of by accident, said individual will probably be questioning himself constantly unless he's a sociopath or a chronic narcissist, which is the case of Negan. So I can empathise with that but it might not make a character necessarily popular with

That hasn't stopped Darryl and Carol from becoming popular though. But yeah, the writing is definitely not stellar. Isn't Kirkman an EP? It's hard to believe he is on board with all of this.

To me the main reason this show is not as great as it could have been is the fact that Andrew Lincoln simply does not have the necessary charisma to pull this off. The comic book is entirely focused on Rick and Carl and we, as readers, are right there with Rick through all of its ups and downs but that is entirely

I understand what you mean but, listen, I'm a huge Bowie fan. His reinventions never felt forced to me, even his pop star 80's phase. Let's take Madonna for example: when she released Music, with the country flavoured Don't Tell Me, she was still Madonna. She never stopped being Madonna, no matter what clothes she was

God this movie sounds so dull, even before I read this review. How can someone go from Trainspotting, A Life Less Ordinary, Star Wars, Moulin Rouge, Big Fish…to this? Is that the consequence of marriage, children and old age? Fucking hell, I hope that doesn't happen to me.

You know who else can sing? Celine Dion. Does that make her cool?

The problem is that, for you to actually dig this record, you'd have to completely ignore everything she did before. As an irrelevant rockist, as you put it yourself, you're probably not very familiar with her previous output. Trust me, as someone who has been listening to her since her first single Just Dance, this

It's a really embarrassing record. Just compare this with Fame Monster…almost feels like 2 completely different singers. And her pandering to country music fans is frankly disrespectful.

I watched The Conjuring 2 last week, since the reviews were great, and even though it's not technically a bad film I still did not find it scary…if you ask me CGI ruins the vibe of any horror film. In fact the higher the production values the less scary a movie is. Just compare the glossy slick production on the

It's funny, I'm seeing less and less Trump supporters around here than I did a few months ago. I wonder why…

It's still one of the best comedies on television right now

NOW I finally understand why The Today Show invited Corey (or decided to cave-in to him after relentlessly begging) to perform: I can imagine some TTS executive-producer listening to Go 4 It or realising that Snopp Dogg is featured and going: "hey, this doesn't seem embarrassingly bad as the stuff he did before".

I actually find it a bit pathetic that some game developers try so hard to create a deep, credible story for a game that will mostly be played by people who, in my opinion, don't really give a crap about it, they just wanna skip the cutscenes and head for the driving and shooting. Some games, like RPG's, do need a

Didn't I say it was a bit of a stupid reason? I know dude's talented but I don't know, something prevents me from fully enjoying him as a musician.

The Beatles were a proper band. They played instruments, wrote all their stuff and hustled on small pubs and bars, you cannot compare them to a boy band created by a Svengali specifically targeting 12 year old girls.

I know this sounds incredibly stupid but I cannot get into Timberlake…for sexist reasons. Because he was in a boy band, a musical endeavour created to bank on the hormones of little girls. Yeah I know, I sound like a jackass but, as a grown man, I can't help it.

Beautifully upvoted

I agree but I can see Hilary's point: having a black president did change things, in the greater scheme of things. And having a female president will do the same. I don't think she was referring to policies and the economy, I think she was talking about perception and what it means to society as a whole to have a

Exactly. Jesus would make healthcare and education free for everyone, destroy all the nuclear weapons and he would take the wealth of the 1% and distribute it amongst the rest of the country.

Michael Cohen: "Says who??"
CNN: "The polls"
Michael Cohen: "Which polls??"
CNN: "All of them"
Michael Cohen: "Ok…says who??"