
I agree that it's not unrealistic to expect a President to make the right decisions in high-pressure situations but it is unrealistic to think that our President is Superman.

Fair enough but I think whenever we're talking about Middle Eastern/North African countries we're talking about major powder kegs…it's very hard to make the right decision. I think Obama did the right thing in refusing to enter Syria years ago but some people feel he should have.

Bill Maher has been calling people voting for the 3rd party candidates in this election "fucking idiots".

Sure, go back to 1845 to get an example

Yeah sure, blame Hillary for Bengazi. "Her track record is not exactly stellar"…who's track record is stellar in politics? Give me 1 example, just one.

And Obama did wonders when it comes to trying to bridge the gap, although he is not a wizard and fixing an entire economic system that favours the rich is something that will take years and years, if it ever happens. Just check the latest unemployment figures, especially when you take into consideration the 2008 crash.

Yeah but there are huge differences between magical thinking and amazing things. The Moon landing was an effort decades in the making and the victory against Hitler wasn't just due to the American military power and strategy, it's one of those situations where you have to analyse the entire context to understand it

We just have to remind ourselves how Hitler won the support of the German people: through fear and hysterical patriotism.

But then what will celebrities do with their time????

Bud Light: a precious illusion of a beer.

I mean to me that's the explanation why they insist on supporting him now even after the whole "grab 'em by the pussy" fiasco. In the primaries he won simply because he was the biggest name and the biggest personality. It all comes down to who can yell loudest, unfortunately.

Trump voters support him for one reason and one reason only: because he's a white man. They come up with a wide variety of reasons and all of those reasons are straw man but the truth is they vote for him because A) They hated having a black man as president for 8 years and B) They would hate even more having a female

I think the fear of the other is one of the most irrational fears we have…not only us but animals as well, that's why your dog reacts when it sees a racoon in the garden. I'm always aware of my own prejudices (I think we all have one or some, to different degrees) and by being aware of them I always try to keep them

I think he's right on the money about it, most movies should be able to stand alone. I mean there's nothing wrong with films like Civil War, which are heavy in MCU continuity, but it's also nice to see projects like Guardians or the upcoming Doctor Strange, which stand alone.

I don't pity them in the slightest. My mother has some conservative views, which I despise (you should hear her lovely theories about how black people are different than white people), but I don't pity her because of it, she's not illiterate. It doesn't prevent me from loving her but if we start talking about it I

You hit a good point: if you live in a small town that used to offer jobs in factories and what-not but stopped since the dawn of globalisation and outsourcing and offer very few cultural options well then…

Every time I come across Phillip K. Dick's novel title my brain immediately goes to Philip Oakey's "Together In Electric Dreams".

Not according to the AV Club though

I've never been a Republican and I do agree that these college students are whiners. You cannot shield yourself from real life…if someone says something offensive call them out on it or even file a report but don't expect the world to bend over and protect you from its "evils".

Is anybody out there still trying to "respect" Trump supporters or understand their views? I've had it, you don't get to be hateful and disrespectful to everyone else and expect to get respect in return. Maybe not all Trump supporters are racists, xenophobes and misogynists (stretch that "Maybe" though) but they