
I've never played RDR because I never owned a PS3 (PS2, then PC gaming then PS4 now) and I will never feel like a true gamer until I play it.

C'mon guys, is it really that bad? I haven't watched it yet cause I'm afraid to be disappointed, I've enjoyed every one of Guest's mockumentaries.

Great interview. Acting is not an easy thing to explain for non-actors but Dourif is quite eloquent there and it seems like his method is spot on. I mean no wonder he stole the scene in Cuckoo's Nest and that wasn't an easy feat considering the caliber of the talent involved. I watched it last week…beautiful film but

None of those films you've mentioned would fall into the "horror" genre in my opinion. I mean, Zombieland? Really? You could call them "dark comedies" I suppose. And Evil Dead 2 is as scary as Army of Darkness.

I'm pretty sure William Friedkin did not made The Exorcist as an allegory for mental health. And I do not find it scary but I probably would if I saw it in the 70's and I'm pretty sure loads of devoted Christians do consider this movie terrifying.

The Shining is horror (THE horror). Psycho is not horror. Inland Empire is horror. Evil Dead 2 is not horror. Any slasher or "torture porn" is horror. Cabin In The Woods is not horror.

Can 2016 get even more horrible before the year ends? It seems like I can't read the news without stories about Donald Trump, rape and black people being murdered. Yeeeeeesh.

I know EVERYONE in the entire world loves Lin-Manuel Miranda but I still maintain that Margot Robbie's was the funniest episode so far. And her monologue was also the best.

I've watched Katya's rap God knows how many times on Youtube, I cannot get enough of it.

Exactly. You only have to compare Roxxxy's attitude to that of Phi Phi's. Roxxxy got exactly what Phi Phi wanted but couldn't: redemption. People may be mad at her for being able to stick until the finale just because of her friendships but that was not her fault. She owned up to her S5 mistakes and remains a classy

Yeah but if he starts on season 4 he misses Jujubee ("I can read you to filth") and that's unacceptable

After watching "Requiem For A Dream" and "Dancer In The Dark" I can watch absolutely anything.

Rebecca Hall seems like a great actress…so why did I disliked her so much in "Vicky Christina Barcelona"? That was the my first exposure to her and I remember thinking "Wow, this actress is really bad". Was I the only one? She came across as very artificial.

The only thing worst than Corey Feldman is people going on Twitter to complain about Corey Feldman dropping then flag

Short period of time? You mean after almost 10 years? Dude, c'mon

Katya lives in my heart (that weird zany part of it) but Alaska deserved it, you can feel how much it means to her and she was completely focused the entire time. What is amusing is to realise that she almost lost the crown to a zany, loveable weirdo for the 2nd time, something that she herself admitted during the

So…some dudes started a podcast about Gilmore Girls huh?

Cut the crap man, you don't hate Clinton because of all this shit, you hate her because she's a woman. Any person willing to say she's worst than Trump is a malicious coward and a liar.

These people are so mind-boggling insane that they are willing to support a clearly incompetent presidential candidate just because he's a white man. They'd rather have a white man ruling them, a white man who would sink the entire country, than have a woman or a black man.

Oh c'mon, don't compare this crapfest to "The DaVinci Code". That book was not high-literature but it was entertaining as hell.