
Am I the only one slightly relieved that Cartman is not the main focus of attention?

Lorne Michaels made the biggest mistake of his life by firing Jenny, she's amazing on everything she does

Ok so I'm gonna be the one to ask: what is the second meaning of Goat?

Perabo just can't fight the moonlight

Meanwhile, Portia de Rossi is anxiously waiting by the phone

It's hard to believe that I was such a No Doubt fan…I even liked some of the solo stuff from Gwen's first album but then she released that "Wind It Up" atrocity (by far the worst thing Pharrell has ever done) and I also realised how awful she really is live. This desperate publicity stunt with Blake Shelton was the

What about "Men, Women & Children"? Or "The Interview"?

I have zero pity or sympathy. If he was a nobody and he tried to perform in some bar or club the majority of people would sneer just the same. You can't fault human beings for being, you know, human…we react to good things and we react to bad things. If you expose yourself in front of an audience you have to be

People have a problem with it because it seemed to consider idiocy as a virtue

1. Why the Today show booked him in the first place? Is there a shortage of celebrities?

Ever since I watched the trailer for La La Land with Emma Stone singing "Audition", which will probably be the Best Original Song winner at next year's Academy Awards, I fell in love with it already and will not tolerate any criticism of it.

Even though I loved Togetherness and I sort of enjoyed One I Love…something about Mark rubs me the wrong way. The way he speaks there, it's like he "found" the formula for the perfect indie Netflix movie and will milk that formula for all that is worth.

A bit late for the party but just saw this episode and I could not DISAGREE more. First of all LaToya, the 80's Breakfast Club reference was apparently completely lost on me, I did not even remotely think about it for a second and I'm a total sucker for 80's films. This episode was the best one so far because it

Like a subpar mashup of a Stevie Nicks and Madonna song…I prefer the originals though

I bet Alan Moore has a secret collection of X-Men comics in his occult chambers. And Maggot is his favourite character.

I'll Grant it

Have we hit pun peak yet?

Alan Moore or Harvey Pekar, who's the most curmudgeon writer in comic book history? I'd go with Moore. Pekar at least seemed to have some sense of humour, although not much.

Roger Aisles is the perfect stereotype of the sleazy disgusting old white male CEO. Golum looks better than him.

I was wondered how, huh, a Schlafly got made