
You need to go out and get some fresh air


Just think it's hilarious that in the case of Kim you come with this "way to blame the symptom" bs but Lena is the devil herself

Even if a writer writes fiction they are writing from their own point of view. Lena Dunham is a white girl from NY and she's gonna write from the perspective of a white girl from NY

It's hilarious that people pick their pitchforks when her own sister probably couldn't give a shit about it

"Writers are expected to write about something other than their own world". Really, is that a requirement for every writer? I thought there were all different types of writers out there…some only write about their own lives and make a living out of it

So Kim Kardashian gets a pass while Lena Dunham burns at the stakes? Is Trump president already?

I didn't say anything offensive. If you thought it was "icky" that's your own problem

That it's unrealistic to expect her to write about anything other than her own world. There's a reason Girls became a hit show back then, a lot of girls probably identify with the characters.

She "molested" her sister when she was what, 5? For God's sake she wasn't even aware of what she was doing, people talk about this as if she was a Catholic priest

Did I say something false? Aren't most black American women oppressed? I was just trying to make a point

As opposed to writing for the black, oppressed American women? People write about what they know man

He's probably a bit intimidating, like most football players. I can understand her not starting a conversation. I don't have a lot of sympathy for professional players these days…they make an insane amount of money and most behave like spoiled brats.

At least Lena has some degree of talent and skill. You may think she doesn't deserve to be a celebrity but, then again, I do think it's nice to see a female celebrity without a perfect body and showing some talent, regardless of what I think of her show and her opinions

I save all my celebrity hate for Kim Kardashian. She is a real symbol of everything that is wrong in America

Yes I feel really sorry for him

I think the real question is why, of all the annoying celebrities out there, she bothers you so much. And the "exhibitionistic hack" did manage to release a feature film and write and produce an HBO show before the age of 30. I don't care for her and I don't watch Girls but "hack" is a bit much

Yeah so the dude goes to the Met Ball to spend the whole night on his phone instead of, you know, try to have fun? Yeah sounds like a genius idea

He probably is though. I mean c'mon…dude couldn't bother to exchange a few lines of conversation with Lena? It's not about being impressed with her or wanting to impress her or whatever…if I was on the table I'd try to talk to the people next to me.

If there's one thing I learned is that white people should always think twice before speaking about a black person, especially in a public forum such as Twitter. The racial tension is off the charts