
Why publicists still allow their celebrities to use Twitter unsupervised is beyond me. We're reaching celebrity next-day-apologies-for-something-stupid-they-said-on-Twitter peak, enough

I was seriously disappointed with They Came Together, considering that it features 2 of my favourite actors. The script was weak.

Everyone knows that the "silly" Justice League couldn't last long, eventually DC would come back with the "traditional" Justice League. It was a fun experiment while it lasted.

The writing on Green Lanterns has been so good that I frankly don't care about the different pencilers/inkers. Most comic books from the big 2 suffer from this anyway.

I wouldn't say insecure, I think most of the time the problem is editorial: finding the right artists for the right character. If you think about it DC has been way more consistent when it comes to their heroes: none of them have been replaced, unlike at Marvel where they completely change everything every 6 months,

I'm finding myself really digging the DC Rebirth titles, especially Detective Comics, Action Comics, Green Lanterns, Wonder Woman, All Star Batman. I've always been a Marvel fanboy but Marvel's latest editorial decisions have been infuriating and I'm sick and tired of all the relaunches and meaningless events and

Junior Vasquez right? Yeah I'm old enough

This is ridiculous. It happened almost 20 years ago and the guy was acquitted. Are people assuming that the woman committed suicide because of that? This whole situation disgusts me to no ends…if most of the media is ok with Roman Polanski and Woody Allen then they should not be judging and punishing Nate Parker. I'm

Once again, Idris Elba and his alpha-male bullshit posturing makes me roll my eyes all the way to the back of the my neck. I'm glad he is not the next James Bond.

I'm sold. I only watched this trailer once and the song is already stuck in my head and I'm already in love with it.

But Men At Work were awesome

This may very well become the best promotion for their upcoming album so far. How can anyone NOT like this?

Oh please, I'll gladly continue to wait for the next season of Top Chef, the BEST reality competition show on television history.

Every time I see a video/newstory on Trump I'll put this song to play on the background

I do find him incredibly good looking, at least compared to most Olympians. I mean, Michael Phelps is the stuff of Olympic legends and he seems to be the nicest guy…but he does have that face.

Natalie Portman is a goddamn national treasure and you people better be nice to her, even if her last movies have been shit

Kurt was the most obnoxious, unbearable thing on Horace And Pete. I know that's exactly why Louis hired him for the role but he could have chosen someone slightly less douchey and abrasive.

Frank Black and James Murphy are the least rockstar-looking people in the world….physically I mean.

I sense some heads will roll at Warner because this simply is not a good idea in the slightest. They must have thrown huge amounts of money at Bradley to convince him to do this.

I maintain that no individual in this world is 100% free of judgement, no matter what people say so I'll admit mine: a 65 year old with a 23 year old is something I find incredibly creepy. Good for the old man but the very idea grosses me out.