
True. I always say that gay men are too kinky and full of fetish and because I consider myself more vanilla that pisses me off sometimes but you might have a point there.

Man it's easier to solve world hunger and find a cure for HIV than understanding human sexuality. That third letter…I'm not judging, I'm just deeply impressed by the insane things we do for sex and how it can control us and how it can still surprise us. It's hard to believe that humans were so confined sexually until

You gotta love the way Geri couldn't differentiate Italian from Spanish on Mi Chico Latino:
"Take me now to my sweet la vida…find my love…my dolce vita…"

Well but isn't it always easier to target a girl group than a "rock" band?

Contrary to EVERY other girl group, including undeniably talented ones like The Supremes and En Vogue, the Spice Girls embraced positivity and individuality. And hey, fuck me but they had some pretty good pop gems (Say You'll Be There, Who Do You Think You Are, Stop, Denying). So they made as much money as they could

I might not be the biggest Eichner fan but props where props are due: the guy has balls. The entire concept of On The Street is incredibly insane and risky and somehow it works. Respect.

To me complaining about looking youthful is like complaining to have a big dick.

There's that as well

Wanna hate Leto even more? He's 44. It's safe to say that most of us will definitely not be looking like that at 44.

Absolutely, I didn't always agree with Ebert and I knew he had a bit of bias against superhero movies for instance. But the reason why I always followed him was because sometimes he would point some things about a movie that I hadn't noticed, like the reason the director used a certain angle or color scheme or some

This will be the trickiest superhero movie to make, even more than Wonder Woman. Marvel is currently depicting Carol as this hardass drill sergeant and I'm hating it, I hope the movie doesn't go in that direction. I loved Brian Reed's Ms Marvel series but I couldn't get into her Captain Marvel books.

Sorry Green Day, I still hope that someone, someday, might resuscitate rock and roll but it definitely won't be you. American Idiot was awesome though.

I said I liked Sum 41. During a period of my life. Bowie is forever.

Man do you think we are always the best judges of ourselves or our work? Hasn't anyone ever pointed at something bad you were doing that you weren't noticing? It's not about judging directors, it's about "I think I understand where you wanted to go with this but you might have made a mistake here and there". Happens

No one gets it right all the time. Ebert had this huge thing about not being able to see any video game as art. But then you have stuff like Journey and you realise he didn't know what he was talking about. I still think he was incredibly smart and sensitive and genuinely loved what he did.

People seem to forget that Jared Leto decided to be a rockstar just because of his looks and because he wanted even more praise and adulation. Once that happened I found him insufferable. I've never heard a 5 Second To Mars song that I liked and I can be very forgiving. I liked Sum 41.

I think you might on something there….

Those people should watch Green Lantern or Fantastic Four or Daredevil or Ghost Rider before saying shit about either Thor films. They weren't great but they were good.

I don't know if Boat Trip is offensive but it's a perfect example of what people around the world call "One of those dumb American comedies". I love comedies…some people say shit about Judd Appatow or Adam McKay and I'm like oh really? Then go watch Boat Trip or Paul Blart or Let's Be Cops or Get Hard. After that you

But critics, supposedly, have watched countless films, from different eras. I mean, if they are good at their job. So they understand the history of filmmaking and why certain films were considered classics and influentials and others didn't. Films like La Dolce Vitta, Citizen Kane and The Godfather are considered