
Are actually trying to tell me there are no Stellas in the real world? Really?

I'm not a Watchmen fan so I'm not even qualified to debate this

Yes but no one would allow Alan Moore to come close to classic characters such as Batman or Spider-Man or any of the X-Men because he would fuck them up forever for the rest of us by exposing the ugly side of them

No not Blanche, Stella. She absolutely loved being abused constantly by her virile husband and unfortunately I'm sure that's the reality for a lot of women. Should we pretend that doesn't happen? Yes I don't think filmmakers should portray abusive relationships in a good way but there are nuanced ways to look at this.

Harley Quinn is a sick woman used as a sexual fetish for the male gaze. And Batman is a psychopath who chooses dark haired boys to be his "sidekick".

If codependency is depicted as sexy that is in the eye of the beholder. And there are many many many films where co-dependency is depicted as something sexy and passionate. A Streetcar Named Desire comes to mind. It's just part of human nature. We can be PC all we want but we can't or shouldn't erase the ugly side of

Anthony Hopkins is as good as Robert DeNiro these days: he doesn't give a shit. Cate Blanchett is an acting genius, I don't think it will be the same case.

I still think you're wrong. Movies of all budgets still get made. And we got A LOT of shit during the 80's and 90's as well, way before the "superhero black hole".

That's such a shame. AV Club, in my opinion, has the best comment section online. And I do love some of their features but articles like this just feel like they're trying too damn hard.

Hmmm ideology on every hole…let me check Pornhub quickly, that might be interesting.

You're not annoying me, you're nagging. Read your comments, that was your tone. You're sounding like an angry old man complaining about "those pesky superhero movies". You're this close to "get off my lawn you damn kids".

I can be horrible, yes. I'm human.

I don't know if this is Esther's first AV Club article but I have a feeling she will be very popular around here

You will get Cate Blanchett playing Hela and you will forget the moment you leave the theatre??? Do us all a favour and don't go, it's insulting.

You know man, I'm 36. I wish I was still 25 but that ain't gonna happen right? I can complain about it as much as I want but the sad reality is that there is no going back and nagging about it won't change a thing but annoy people around me.

Apparently everything. All actresses should be like Elisabeth Moss, right Esther?

I'm more than happy to watch it on iTunes later. I've already wasted my money on Batman V Superman, not gonna make that mistake again

Yeah, you gotta love the Marvel hate these days. I do hate Marvel but Marvel Comics. They're ruining everything but I can't wait for Doctor Strange, Ant-Man & The Wasp and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

I heard of this magical place called Amazon where you can order them. Apparently they appear magically in your doorstep the very next day. It's marvellous!

The Cannes film festival still happened. There are TONS of indie and low budget films being released every year. Quit your nagging man, this year we've had Batman V Superman, Captain America: Civil War, Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse, Suicide Squad and will have Doctor Strange in December. That's SIX superhero films!