
I feel Esther is trying her best to be hired by Jezebel. I think she will succeed after this article.

Well, you know, you don't have to read certain websites. There's always CNN, BBC, ESPN…and books as well, I heard books are making a comeback.

Newsflash: when an idea makes billions of dollars the market will try its best to create copycats of it. That goes for every idea that made money ever in the history of the world.

Oh…ok. I wouldn't think that would look good in a movie.

They should! They are having sex AND getting paid for it. I sometimes have average sex and no one gives me a dime!

Meatheads are into comics? Since when?

Yeah man, I can't wait for the "movie about a straight white man on a mission holding a gun on the poster" bubble to burst as well.

Every blockbuster cost millions and therefore they have to spend millions in marketing and advertising to make sure they will make a profit. That is the same rule for every blockbuster, superhero or not.

Yada yada yada welcome to the real world

There's a world of difference between seeing your fellow male friends naked in a locker room and seeing a dick on the big screen. Most straight men get squeamish when that happens, that's a hard fact.

New article: "Audiences deserve better than Suicide Squad"

You used Gilda as a reference in 2016. Sorry but I will continue to misstate your points.

It was a joke dude.

Touche. But as for your anger towards superhero movies answer me this: how many Jason Bourne-type movies are released a year? How many rom-coms? How many stupid Adam Sandler-type comedies? But no one complains about those, it's always superhero movies.

Poor Margot Robbie, she has such a hard life. We should create a kickstarter to help this poor unfortunate creature.

Oh Lord you're one of those. Are you a Trump supporter as well?

Newsflash: sex and sexuality don't have to be portrayed only through YOUR own definition of what is tasteful. You're sounding like those church ladies that think girls who wear miniskirts are all sluts.

So you're saying that no one should be treated as a sex object ever again forever and ever in the history of the world? Boy you must be fun.

I just saw a recent picture of her in a fashion magazine where she is naked. Very classy and tasteful though.

I feel so sorry for Margot and her fame and success and beauty and her millions of dollars. God can someone please help this poor woman????