
No, the problem is that the vast majority of straight men are ingrained with homophobic and sexist ideas. Curtis Hanson directed "In Her Shoes", one of the best female-led films of all time. Men can direct and/or write sensible stories about females…the problem is that there are so few of them precisely because of

Only because straight men are absolutely terrified of seeing a dick on screen. Apparently breasts are ok, female butts are ok, but dicks and male butts are not, except in a comedic way. So, if you're a straight man, you're part of the problem my man.

I think she has the coolest look in the movie and you bet your ass it will be the most popular costume this Halloween.

Is it also wrong that Alexander Skarsgard is shirtless during the entirety of The Legend of Tarzan? Is it also wrong that Zac Effron is shirtless in almost every movie he does?

Hell to the yes, Lily is a damn American treasure. I still haven't watched Grandma, is it any good?

Cara is a model, she's always almost naked anyway.

Oh Antonio Sabato…I will never be able to enjoy watching you on Janet Jackson's Love Will Never Do Without You ever again. Douches should always stay quiet and look pretty.

Unconscious, sure

Power Girl, you are by far the most sexist portrayal of a female superhero ever, right there with Psylocke so I think you should reflect a bit on your attacks on Harley.

I'm talking "visually ridiculous", not conceptually.

Could it be because Katana is not nearly as popular as Harley and because Margot Robbie is a much popular actress?

Is it always wrong that girls might want to feel sexy? I hate Kim Kardashian with a passion and I hate it that girls look up to her but the fact is that wearing skimpy outfits sometimes is part of a girl's journey to accepting her body and boosting self-esteem. I think most of them grow out of it. But, like I said in

Fact: Margot Robbie would have looked absolutely ridiculous in Harley's original Paul Dini costume.

All female porn stars should be banned from making porn because it is degrading! They should not be allowed to enjoy having sex on camera!

Here's the truth: without Matt Damon the movie just would not make the millions of dollars it will make outside of Asian countries. You can get upset about it, you may find it sad, you make think the world is racist, yada yada yada but that is a FACT. I will not see it because the movie looks dull as hell but I do

Because I think in this version she is a more deranged version of the character. I mean man, this movie is not good so let's start with that. I still think Margot looks amazing in it and every reviewer is saying that without hers, Will Smith's and Viola Davis' acting the movie would be unwatchable.

Doesn't Noah realise that his character is also playing to gay stereotypes? He shouldn't be sitting on such a high horse when talking about Eric Stonestreet's character. As for Colton Haynes, yeah, he is probably the worst: an extremely good looking gay boy with thousands of fans and a fit body. Those are always the

That is the what her character is about: she suffers from a gigantic co-dependency from the Joker. In the comics she grows out of it eventually but that's how she started. It's not a colossal misstep, it's part of the essence of the character created by Paul Dini.

Dear AV Club Editors: stop trying to be so damn PC all the time. This is a love letter from someone who enjoys this site and loves contributing to your number of clicks. Articles like this one belong to Jezebel. Think these things through for the love of Thor.