
And what about No Doubt's New from the Go soundtrack? You could not get more 90's than that!

The classiest, coolest president of all time. And because the universe has this need to balance itself out, no wonder now we're heading for the trashiest, sleaziest president of all time. And no, I don't mean Hillary.

Here here. I really wish the AV Club could stop with the social justice for ONE damn review. I can only imagine how the review for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV will be since all the main characters are men.

I was a big Voltron fan when I was a kid…and it seems that, sadly, being an adult now, I'm unable to enjoy these types of cartoons anymore. The only ones I can enjoy are Bojack Horseman and Rick & Morty and Adventure Time, to an extent. But superhero ones? Nope. And this is coming from a guy who loved Age of Ultron

Garbage was amazing, Only Happy When It Rains really spoke to my teenage angst at the time. And then I also fell in love with #1 Crush, their contribution to Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet OST

Oh Chris, you might be Captain America now but you will always be the loveable dense jock from Not Another Teen Movie to me.

Oooooh I can sense a new trend coming!!!

The Chinese seem to be digging it. Then again, they dig all the Transformers films

Aren't these movies a perfect example of style over substance? Like Jennifer Lopez' The Cell?

Idiocracy man. Idiocracy.

Don't forget I said Pixar-like. How many Pixar and Pixar-like films get released every year? Films such as Angry Birds and the upcoming The Secret Lives of Pets, Trolls and the 10th sequel to Ice Age fall into that category. They all follow the same formula: cutesy frantic animation for the ADHD kids that contain some

That Jealous song was good though, it was my gym jam for about 3 weeks last year

Well…those Big Mac's and Mac & Cheese did not eat themselves now did they Axl? Don't blame "the internet"

But fatigue has nothing to do with the quality of the films. Marvel's films always get great reviews but that doesn't stop people from moaning about them. Each year there are dozens of Pixar and Pixar-like films and most of them all look the same but Marvel is the one getting the backlash all the time. I don't get it.

Lol what? They don't? You should check their Wikipedia page and come back to me

Yes and why not?

Everybody loves to talk about "superhero fatigue" but no one talks about "Pixar fatigue". I wonder why…

Meanwhile Marvel will be releasing Thor: Ragnarok next year with Cate Blanchett as Hela. That's where my money will be going.

When it comes to America's international image? Yes, Bush was exclusively the problem.

Good way?