
Sure, Obama is awful right? The previous presidents have been soooo much better.

He and Michael Bay must be best pals

I hated seeing Martha Kent being treated as an ISIS hostage. That was beyond disturbing.

I don't really have a lot of trust in Warner Bros. at this point. But I hope I'm proved wrong…I did love Rebirth so maybe they are trying some course correction

Uh say what? If you don't remember correctly he refused to invade Syria years ago.

Thank George W. Bush for that

That's probably the reason why they added Spider-Man and Ant-Man to the fold…and it definitely paid off. And I wouldn't use fluffy but they are definitely more uplifting and lighthearted. Which I feel it is indeed the way to go.

It was drab indeed but his aesthetics are still his main skill as a director, and probably the reason Warner hired him. I mean…Watchmen was not that great but that opening montage to the sound of Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changing" is still awesome.

Aren't them called The First Avenger over at China or something?

Although she was still the best thing out of BvS (which isn't saying much) I still don't feel Gal Gadot was the right choice for Diana. She could barely show an expression of emotion during her scenes…very flat. And I could say the same thing for Henry Cavill. And that We Need To Talk About Kevin guy for the Flash

I cannot help but find it amusing that DC is the one going for the "dark and gritty" trend while Marvel is opting for the "family fun".

The way I feel about BvS, and the same way I felt about Sucker Punch and Watchmen, is that Snyder is great when it comes to visuals. Period. He's an awful storyteller.

Although I do agree that Kyle Raynor was more interesting I can understand the older folks feeling upset for DC turning one of them childhood heroes into a murderous villain.

So you feel that he should have allowed Hal Jordan to remain a genocidal lunatic or are you trying the AV Club patented style of snark?

I guess "Justice League of America" might have been a problem in certain markets

Snoop Dogg is not a fan

It's Trump's world, we're just living in it

Way to go California (although that Kardashians thing is embarrassing but at least it's embarrassing on a global scale) and New York! RuPaul's Drag Race is amazing.

Granted, it wasn't The 40 Year Old Virgin but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as shit like Get Hard or The Wedding Ringer…and both of these films made a lot more money than Hot Rod

"Hot Rod" was really funny Rotten Tomatoes!!