
I think we can all agree that death threats on Twitter are the modern equivalent of "Yo mamma…" jokes

Alan Moore signed a contract way back then, didn't he? Did he ever owned those characters? No. Did he say he ever wanted to revisit those characters? No. Why the hell Watchmen are more important than Flash or Batman or Superman? Because they were untouchables? And who says they SHOULD be untouchable?

Oh my God, do you work for Alan Moore? Why the hell is that so important to you? And you saying that Barry and Wally's reunion is not important, while praising Watchmen to the high heavens, just shows how much of a snob you are

I love the mix of Greek mythology

Counterpoint: the best moment by far was Barry and Wally's reunion. I never cared that much for Watchmen and you know what? DC HAS been respecting the sacred-legendary-untouchable Alan Moore creations for years and years…but, at the end of the day, they OWN the damn characters and I after his last interviews I think

It's about time DC stops treating Watchmen like an untouchable sacred cow


Wish I could play it on my Macbook.

Ok but it was still very manageable compared to Fallout 4. I almost completed DA (couldn't kill the last dragon) and I don't remember spending soooooo much time on inventory management as I do on that scavenging nightmare.

I know! Just juggling the amount of weapons you own according to how much ammo you still have for each is also a lot of work. I've tried to use the Pip Boy app on my iPhone but I don't think it works as well…it would have been better if they could have created an App or a Website for your Pip Boy, so you can access it

It's worth remembering that Witcher is from a Polish gaming company and Poland is not the most modern country when it comes to diversity and sexuality. So it is what it is…terrific game though and I always look at Geralt as a medieval Wolverine. Brooding and dangerous with a heart of gold.

Weed man. Lots of weed.

I've started playing Fallout 4 and, well…it's obviously not a bad game but I'm still not sure if I love it. I remember loving Fallout 3 and enjoying myself with New Vegas but 4….hmmm….

Yeah fine, social media issues and all, but the truth is that we've haven't been following Stephen Colbert for years…we have been following a character. And it confused the hell out of a lot of people. I always knew he was playing a character, obviously, but it's still jarring to me to see how…bland he is?

Trust me on this, a lot of people love Bojack, me included. And I also love Rick & Morty.

Spot on (although I wouldn't count on seeing Colossus in another X-Men movie soon, because of Deadpool). I also feel that a Mutant Massacre movie could include some interesting discussions about beauty and prejudice, because of the Morlocks. I've always loved the concept…they are actual "mutants"…not beautiful people

I agree 100%. Why is it so difficult for comic editors to guarantee that a writer will keep characterisation consistent? I don't understand why that is so hard.

It was? Oy I need an Advil. Anyway I don't think it was considered an event, no.

Wasn't that a storyline from Uncanny X-Force? The one where AoA Nightcrawler joined the team in the 616?

Am I the only one who really dislikes Wasikowska? I think she has zero charisma.