
Ah ok. No that was a Secret Wars tie-in, it wasn't really an event and it doesn't even count in continuity.

You mean Axis? Axis was a line-wide Marvel event, not just an X-Event. Or are you talking about The Dark Angel Saga? You have to be specific man, X-Men continuity is brutal

I can't with Savage Love anymore, it's all about women.

CBR did this list last year, if I'm not mistaken. To me it's those two plus Second Coming.

To me the next X-Film should be inspired by the Mutant Massacre event, with the Marauders and Sinister as villains. Hey Fox, feel free to steal it.

Yeah kind of, but each of them uses their powers slightly different. Mr. Fantastic is essentially an elastic man. Kamala, o the other hand, seems to increase the size and density of her limbs but not her entire body all at once. I might be wrong though

The less said about The Twelve the better. It's probably the worst X-Men event, along with Battle Of The Atom.

See, Marvel has such a hard time defining his powers that I forgot about his telepathy. I don't think most writers used this particular power when writing him though. I know that he can change size, has super strength, near invulnerability and reconstitute his own body. And probably shoot energy beams because, why

Actually I think Sinister would look great onscreen, provided that the director understood the character well. But visually he's amazing, a cross between Dracula and Ziggy Stardust

Oh shush it, Sinister is awesome…at least he was when Marc Silvestri was drawing him. Then again, Silvestri can make any superhero look awesome.

Beats me, I still have no idea of what Mr. Sinister does either. I think Apocalypse's powers are actually similar to the new Ms. Marvel, only much more powerful.

That's why I'm asking for an extension

Cate Blanchett was amazing in Blue Jasmine and, although I haven't seen it, I heard she was by far the best thing on the Cinderella movie as the evil stepmother. I can't wait to see her as Hela.

Morrissey needs to get laid. And no, I'm not offering myself.

Is there any Safari extension that blocks the words "Kim Kardashian" and "Kanye West"? I'm trying to cut the bullshit in my life

Surprised by the B-, was expecting less considering what most reviewers have been saying. I'm thinking of going to see it since I loved DOFTP but I fear cringing at Apocalypse…he does look a bit ridiculous.

Ms. Firestone is trying way too hard

Honestly, what the hell is wrong with DC? They must have the worst management, no one there seem to understand anything about comic books

By the looks of it this has all the right elements to make it the best Thor movie yet. Dark World could have been so much better without annoying Jane Foster.

Andy Dwyer is adorable dammit!