
I have a feeling these guys agreed to do this film just for the fun of it

I think this movie's target audience is the average citizen who never watched Network or The Big Short. For those people this movie might have some purpose other than entertaining…for the all others (like me) it will just be a possibly entertaining Clooney/Roberts vehicle. I haven't watched it yet but I think this

If the 90's are the next era then they should make a movie based on Mutant Genesis, the debut of the Jim Lee era and the inspiration for the 90's cartoon. Fox cannot go wrong with that.

Momma told you not to come

Getting a B for the whole season during this time of peak tv is tough. Ain't nobody got time for B's.

I haven't seen Superstore yet but people here seem to like it. How does it measure up against Parks & Rec, my fav sitcom since Seinfeld?

I hate to be the one to say this but Bell is looking…different. Her face looks rounder.


I'll second that. No one is sulking!

Feel the Bern!!

My ex-boyfriend, who was a fairly smart guy, loved it. I just thought it was ok.

You have to be the most curmudgeon individual to hate The Lion King. It's not my fav Disney film (that would be Wall-E or Sleeping Beauty) but hate? For the love of Thor man

I can only remember Laura Dern from Inland Empire…and the creepy bunnies (creeeeeeeepy). No other actor was memorable, while Mulholland Drive had a great ensemble cast…and a plot you can actually follow, as fragmented as it can be. To each their own, that's the whole point of this list, but that one was a bit shocking

Inland Empire is more cohesive than Mulholland Drive? I need an explanation for this right now

Undeatable was one of the worst sitcoms I've seen in years, it was like something from the 90's

They have to replace the singer…then it might work

Depeche Mode is God…are God. Gods. You get the point.

Yes that was a very typical American Idiot behaviour of mine, apologies. I love Canada and Canadians and yeah, I think your country should be used as a role model for many things, especially on tolerance and respect.

I've been on the short end of that as well…when I was younger I had gay guys being snarky and bitchy towards me because they thought I was "putting on an act". Which I wasn't. I've thought about it and there's no repressed part of myself that is just dying to come out and say "Heeeeeeeeeey gurl!!!!"
Some gay men who

Subvert them in what sense? You mean showing that not all gay men care about fashion or pop divas or interior design or party planning?