
The USA and European countries might be very evolved when it comes to sexuality but the majority of the world is still incredibly sexist and homophobic.

Why can't we just let people be whoever they want to be? Most gay men I know are feminine, some more than others…I don't consider myself feminine and I'm particularly not attracted to men like that but I don't preach that everyone should be like me. I have some great friends who are campy and I actually think it takes

I like Chasing Amy, I think it's one of best Kevin Smith films. It's quite amazing how much sensitivity he shows there, especially through Amy's dialogue. But I consider it an indie film first and foremost…especially because the 2 main characters are not gay.

In the dick? No homo brah!

Yeah I thought the same thing…Gael is great actor, and good looking as well, but he's tiny. Although Jared Leto, aka Millenial's Joker, is not exactly tall.

I just watched and I knew it would be an A. Amazing episode from start to finish…Silicon Valley and Veep are the best comedies out there right now and I'm actually preferring SV at the moment. Love Veep but in all honesty all those macho sex metaphors and zingers are becoming a bit too much for me…they fire 15 of

I think understand the reasoning behind this. As liberal as young heterosexual people can be these days, I cannot see a straight couple going to the movies on a Saturday night to watch a serious drama with gay characters as leads, especially if there are 10 other films showing. People in general are not going to the

Huh? So Storm is bisexual because of that whole thing with Yukio? Man I'm gay and I never saw it that way…..

Come to think of it Jeremy Renner is an even worse transgression. Clint Barton is a funny stubborn wiseass in the comics and, for whatever reason, Marvel decided to go with a very serious and very boring version of the character and I cannot understand why. Steve Rogers already fills the role of the stoic serious hero

It doesn't bother me because Black Widow has never been a favourite character of mine…she's a very "old school" type of hero, a seductive spy/assassin, Marvel's version of Mata Hari. What I do dislike is Marvel making her an American in the movies.

I know I'm mostly alone on this but I never thought Scarlet was the the right actress for this role. There should always be a sense of danger and ambiguity around the character, since she used to be an assassin…born and raised to be an assassin btw. Scarlet doesn't have that…yes the action scenes are good but that's

I just tried these games and I remembered why I hated most of them except Pac Man. Track & Field was a very 80's form of torture.

Exactly. The most 80's mutant was mohawk Storm…or big hair Rogue

Sweet baby Jesus talk about misplaced anger! I smell failed screenwriter…

See that white man right there? He the devil, understand? Never take your eye off the man.

People tend to criticise Amy Schumer for the same reasons so…maybe you are actually a closeted misogynist?

I know Chelsea is very much disliked around here but she's right on the money about Stephen Colbert. I loved David Letterman but I cannot get into Colbert's Late Show. I always get this condescending vibe from him, like he feels he's better and superior than everyone else. At least Letterman had that deadpan,

-"How's my hair?"
-"Strong Vince…strong"

Good for them but I don't think I can watch any film with this kid as the lead after Jurassic World. "Supremely annoying" is a very mild way of putting it.

Oh for crying out loud…so now the problem is that movies made from adapted screenplay are what, ruining Hollywood? Do you have any idea of the amount of movies adapted from books or short stories? Do you have any idea that some of the greatest movies in history are from adapted screenplays?