
The only people that are annoyed about superhero films are old people and people who simply do not get it. I can understand that: I don't get football and thus the whole frenzy around it annoys me. At least those people are annoyed a few times a year, I'm annoyed all year long.

I suppose people prefer going back to the over saturation of Transformers and Twilight movies

You're basically repeating the same strawman arguments some snarky journalists have been writing about. If you look at any major studio's output superhero films still count for a small percentage of them. The only difference is that superhero movies (and Star Wars) are by far the most expensive to make. Therefore,

Again: "too much superhero content" currently means 4 or 5 superhero films a year. After Civil War there's X-Men Apocalypse in one month and Doctor Strange in November…and that's it.

I do think Snyder is a very good director when it comes to the technical stuff but he's shit when it comes to storytelling and entertaining audiences. Adderal-addled Lex Luthor was beyond annoying, Gal Gadot was unconvincing as Wonder Woman (I did like that grin on her face when she jumped on Doomsday but that was

How many war movies have we had? How many do we need? How many films about the holocaust do we really need?

I don't believe in ghosts or monsters but I do think the mind plays tricks on you and nothing is more frightening than the bizarre, the things that are beyond explanation and that's what Lynch is able to tap into. I'm just amazed at how the hell his editors can make it through certain scenes, like the Bob scene or the

I read the Vulture's review on this and, I kid you not, the reviewer thought BvS was a superior film. I think some writers these days feel pressured to say something bad about the superhero genre, like it's their duty or something. I always feel those people complaining about superhero fatigue are complaining just for

Love Shirley…I only have two problems with Garbage: a) she never released a solo album and I always felt she would be stronger as a solo act and b) they've always flirted with pop way too much. They should have been more focused on a proper rock sound instead of doing shit like Cherry Lips and Androgyny (their worst

Should I give this a try? I missed the whole WTF hysteria but I watched Maron's last stand up the other day and I thought it was hilarious. I do like Louie, watched every season, and I imagine it has a similar vibe. I'm all up for sad clowns since I'm one of them.

"Minority" played during the end credits of a Silicon Valley episode and I was singing along. They do have great songs, pre-American idiot.

I kind of agree with her, even though back in 2004 I listened to American Idiot non stop. Non stop. I loved the whole album. But I do think it ruined Green Day in a lot of ways…the final nail in the coffin was the Broadway play. Green Day and Broadway should have never ever been in the same sentence. When they

It's funny how people claim no one wants to watch a show with old people…has everyone forgot about The Golden Girls? It was always number one in ratings back then

If you tilt the latest Katy Perry album to the Sun the Sun will tell you to fuck off

Bowie and Prince seemed to have so many things in common and yet I don't think they ever done anything together

I can't even watch it. What about Laura Dern's distorted smiley face on Inland Empire?

America decided it no longer loves the Dixie Chicks and opted instead for amazingly talented people like Luke Bryan, Carrie Underwood, Dierks Bentley and Florida Georgia Line.

I'm still amazed by the amount of people saying how The Exorcist scared them…I think it's a great film and I was born and raised a Catholic (Atheist now though) but it never scared me that much. Any David Lynch film is much scarier…including Twin Peaks.

Ah Creed…I still remember to this day watching the With Arms Wide Open video and thinking to myself "What in the name of sweet baby Jesus…". Which I can imagine is what he was trying to pull off on the video…him as Jesus.

Why the comic book industry became the scapegoat for the lack of diversity? I seriously don't understand it…and if you look at Marvel they have been shoving diversity down our throats wether we like it or not (female Thor and female Wolverine anyone?). Shame about Midnighter but Angela's book was simply awful.