
She was smart. If Hollywood wants her to be part of this turd and also wear that stupid wig fuck, she should have asked for more

Oh my god no one can win with you people right? Why bother?

I had never seen this video before but Sam Jay is right on the money, I was thinking the same thing as I was watching it and that was before I read the interview. It's a shame that Da Brat's career highlight was her appearance on The Surreal World. Where, if I remember correctly, she kept thinking she was better than

a) Very true but it bothers me when I read shit like that. Why are people mad that Beyonce is selling millions but Santigold is not? I think most people project too much and are not aware of it
b) Absolutely, I for one can be incredibly cynical when it comes to this and I have zero tolerance for certain type of

I'm actually inspired to use SJW more often now…that will be my own personal contribution to the AV Club snark levels

I can see that but it's a very tricky thing to pull, the tongue in cheek aspect can go over people's head very easily. Especially in the case of Sting, who was the Bono of the 80s with all his social activism

It was actually explained on a CBR interview: his reaction is not because she is his mother, is because she became famous after the events of Day of the Future Past. I think Synger included this scene as a sort of wink wink to comic fans but they are not related in the movie.

Loved the trailer. I understand why most people sneer at superhero films but seeing something like this…Psylocke kicking ass in her Jim Lee costume and not looking silly…makes the 12 year old boy in me geek the fuck out. I guess it's different for people who didn't grow up on superhero comic books.

Sleeping With Other People is one of the best rom-coms of all time, period. It's shame it wasn't as successful as it should have been, I love it.

So what you really meant to say is that your sick of superhero films right?

But that's not actually the essence of the X-Men, they are not really a paramilitary group…they are a family of outcasts, very different individuals who bonded over the fact that the world hated them. The reason why they became so popular was because they all had very unique personalities and yet they all learned to

I couldn't disagree with you more. As a long-time X-Men fan I think the costumes are indeed an essential aspect of what made them cool in the first place…the Jim Lee era had the flashiest costumes ever and that's when they were at their peak in terms of popularity.
I do understand where you're coming from, the Grant

You people are incredibly predictable

It's a side effect of giving everyone a voice on social media. At least I can understand, and even appreciate, this desire to have a political stance and be vocal but I'm still baffled at the amount of people (a lot of them) who waste their time commenting negatively about something. Like…someone coming to this

Can you even give me the name of one Asian-American actor famous enough to carry this type of film? Just one. Benedict Cumberbatch level of famous and that also fits the profile (Randall Park might be handsome and talented but he would not be right for this). And also take into consideration that Doctor Strange's

Must have been a really slow news day

Hero? Man seriously, you're blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. Also, I can see your point but you seem to not be able to see other people's points, like myself. This is not a black/white issue, not casting an Asian actor in this particular situation doesn't paint Marvel as an "evil" or inconsiderate

The video is so bad that almost looks like a parody of that type of "globally conscious" singers, like the one from the Russell Brand's character on Get Me To The Greek. White male singers painting themselves as saviors in a music video is not something that a record label would even consider these days.

Being a feminist is not about hating men or not working with them, and that's precisely why a lot of famous women refused to label themselves as such for so long. And you might not know this but Beyonce insisted on hiring only female musicians for her band on her first solo tour…if that's not female empowerment then I

I think Alex Jones secretly dresses up as Beyonce in his spare time