
Is he not allowed to express his disdain for Twitter social justice warriors if that's how he actually feels? Let's not forget #CancelColbert, I can understand why he feels that way

He's a screenwriter, they don't usually talk to the media a lot so it's hardly surprising that his answer wasn't polished but I still don't think he was rude or insensitive

Having an opinion is one thing but your comment was incensed as hell

Sorry if this made you so upset but, honestly, the Ancient One is a minor role, if she gets more than 20 minutes of screen time I'd be surprised. And I do agree that casting an Asian actor would just reinforce tired stereotypes, I can't believe you are not seeing it through this perspective. Do you also feel that

I sincerely cannot see a huge boycott of Marvel by Asian people because of this so maybe you should go outside, get some fresh air and pick a new battle

It's still a very unfortunate, and dramatic, choice of words in my opinion and I thought what Michelle Yeoh said about Ghost In The Shell…her attempt to compare the struggles of Asian-Americans with that of African-Americans…quite insulting and insensitive to black people

When the time is right. No one can say that Asians are not getting more featured roles these days…shows like Fresh Off The Boat would not have been green lighted 10 years ago so I think it's slowly getting there. But if they wanted to start production on Ghost In The Shell right now, with that budget, then yes, I

This is hardly a clusterfuck, at least from a business perspective. He actually bothered to explain the reasoning behind the casting choice and it made sense, maybe not masterfully but it's refreshing to see an actual real, unpolished answer as opposed to a perfectly crafted and typical PR stock answer. Every time I

Wake up man, we're talking about a project worth over 1 billion dollars, I don't think you understand how capitalism works. There are a lot of stakeholders and a lot of pressure with a film like this. And this whole "white supremacist propaganda" shit is exactly the type of thing that make people sneer at "social

I work in the film industry and I agree with him completely, it would have been a lose-lose situation (btw that "idiot" is a successful screenwriter. Hollywood is filled with starving screenwriters wiling to kill to sell a script and quit their 2nd or 3rd jobs to pay the bills so, you could call him many things, but

Maybe you didn't find it remarkable because you root for the underdogs so, no matter what Beyonce decides to put out, you will always remain unimpressed because you already decided on that? Those comparisons are not even fair since Beyonce has always been a mainstream pop/r&b performer, which is an artistic/business

Maybe it's where I live, London is not the best city for comic book fans

Yup, that's a thing. Someone told me this not long ago: "I find it hot when guys are selfish in bed". That's just one example. From my experience, very attractive but insecure people (which is most of them) tend to go for people who don't give a shit or who pretend to not give a shit about them.

I understand women's obsession with marriage but I still think it's a ridiculous endeavour in narcissistic behaviour. ***Everyone!!! Look at me in my virginal white dress, I'm a princess today!!***

Who's us, Hillary or the banks or both?

Straight men should definitely ask gay men for sex advice the same way straight women ask them for fashion advice.

I know we're not supposed to judge other people's sexual fetishes unless they are against the law…but I can't. Vomit, fisting, scat, blood…these people need to find Jesus, although he would probably run the fuck away.

In this economy? Pffff, good luck with that

I don't think Vision was eligible but it will definitely be next year, best Marvel book out there

I think it's safe to say that 2015 was THE year of women in comics. And yet I still do not know one woman who's into it. Kudos for Monstress though, great book although a bit too manga for me sometimes and I actually think Aaron's Thor should have been nominated instead of Ms. Marvel.