
Is it ok to like the Smashing Pumpkins again or are we still only supposed to care about the Pixies? Let me know when this changes.

Is Savage Love forever destined to be focused solely on women? Fucking hell 8 out of 10 emails are from women…even worse, most are from married women. Where are all the gays and single males?

Is it just me or do these orcs seem incredibly wooden and cartoonish? I enjoyed Jones' Moon but hmmm…
as Meryl Streep would say: "I have doubts"

Erotica was a great album, and a bold one too, even by today's standards. Bad Girl, Deeper And Deeper, Fever (which was a massive hit everywhere but in America), the stunning title track, Queen Of Hearts…I cannot imagine the likes of Rihanna or Katy Perry doing something like that. Shame that the media turned against

Just for once I'd like to see a film where the man is mature and tells the woman to "grow the fuck up". Could that exist? I think that's one of the reasons why I loved Charlize Theron in "Young Adult" so much.

Whenever people talk about religion I'm reminded that Mormonism is a real thing. I mean…a real thing that men invented so they could have multiple wives. Which is my idea of sadism.

I feel bad when I see guys talking about being rebellious and wild and wanting to trash things around when they were young…I never felt this level of aggression, which I think is a quintessential part of being a boy. Maybe I had low testosterone levels, who knows

Disgusting? Strong word

He is definitely a thing. And Jealous (which he didn't perform there) is a pretty good song…you know, for a former Disney star

Man I love Dreyfus (can't wait for Veep's new season) but the B score gave me a lot of expectations that were not met. Most of it was mediocre (the alien sketch was awful though and the Heroin AM was not nearly as funny as the Meth Vape from a previous season). God Is A Boob Man and the debate cold open were the best

Schwarzenegger as Conan? No, just no.

I don't agree with this review because, even though I haven't seen the movie yet, it feels like Favreau was precisely looking for realism. So if the director never intended for something other than realism…if that was his vision for the project…then criticising that in particular is a moot point. If you thought the

Well, he did say he had to break up the band

Can't say I'm surprised about Tara Reid or Vince Vaughn and I'm glad Tim Burton is as nice as he seems to be

Am I the only one who finds Titus insufferable? He ruined the show for me

I've watched a few interviews with Matt LeBlanc and therefore I cannot bring myself to watch Episodes. However, I'll admit he's a really good actor, maybe the best out of the Friends bunch, since he's the complete opposite of Joey

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, the new The Last Shadow Puppets album is #1

Very true

I'm one of these "newer generation" even though I'm not that new. I've always rebelled against what was expected of me as a gay man and that's probably why I have some issues with gay culture. I don't complain about gay men who are campy or into fashion or interior design, I just hate it when I feel ostracised by

Grunge was almost like a woking class rock'n'roll, in the sense that it was stripped of any excess and pomposity, two words that can also be applied to the entire Reagan era.