
I think for grunge bands their potential hatred towards G'N'R might have been a hatred for anything mainstream and accepted by the masses, rather than a hatred towards them for being another hair metal band. There's probably a lot more respect and admiration between rock bands than the media would have us believe.

"Confirmation bias"? Wow, how high is that tall horse of yours, hope you brought a jacket. As a gay man myself I have every right to criticise my own "community". Do I have my own personal issues tangled with my criticism? Sure and who hasn't? Doesn't mean I don't have the right to criticise.

Well…you do know what people say about stereotypes right? They always have some truth to them.

I'd say they were grittier and less flamboyant than Bon Jovi and Motley Crue but they weren't exactly Metallica either.

You're right, I guess I'm not used to watching game shows, even though I have watched the Steve Harvey videos on Youtube. Maybe I'm just being a tad cranky…it's Monday after all

On that note…heroin scares the crap out of me, way more than meth. A drug so powerful that even successful, rich and famous individuals such as Hoffman and that dude from Glee cannot live their lives without craving another hit of it

There was clearly a love-hate relationship between grunge and hair metal, like a father/son thing. I didn't know about that tidbit about Kurt but I'm not surprised.

Fair enough but this is not a drag show exactly is it? It's a gay game show. And campy comedy is fine, just because it's campy doesn't mean it has to be filled with lazy innuendoes to encourage giggles.

We score more simply because we're dealing with testosterone-on-testosterone interaction. The whole "not demonising sex" is just another aspect of being men rather than being gay…historically speaking men always talked about sex more openly between themselves than women. I still say it's about time for gay culture to

Maybe. But even with their musical skills there's always the question of the aesthetics. Nirvana and all the other grunge bands were deliberately anti-metal hair bands, they hated everything they stood for, musically and visually. So I wonder if G'N'R could have survived in that specific environment.

As much as I agree with May's criticism of Cohen's last films I'm inclined to believe in Cohen's version of the story. I mean…is it too much of a stretch to believe that May wanted to make the film about the band itself and not really about Freddie Mercury? We're talking about the guy who replaced Mercury with Adam

Ugh I like RuPaul but I cringe at the plethora of sexual innuendos. Will it ever be possible to see something gay-themed on tv without stupid, high school-level innuendos? I mean…hard? 69? Tops or Bottoms? C'mon people

One of the most interesting things about G'N'R is how astronomical and short-lived their mainstream success was. It started in 1988 but by 1993's "Spaghetti Incident" it was all gone, not only due to their own inner turmoils and fighting but also due to the rise of Nirvana. I wonder if things would have turned out

If I was a cynical prick I would say "what a coincidence that Melissa McCarthy won a Comedic Genius Award the same weekend her new vehicle, The Boss, is premiering". But I'm not so I won't.

i'm aware that I'm late to the "Love" review party but let me just add these few tidbits about a show that I actually care about: a) Gillian Jacobs is a treasure. If Alison Brie is the queen then Jacobs' the unassuming rebellious sister; b) This show is one of the realest "rom-coms" I had ever seen and I believe

I'm not short but I was super skinny when I was a teenager…it was a living hell

As with anything in life, once you've seen it you can't unsee it.

I think the biggest problem when it comes to lack of diverse or realistic roles for women is the same for minorities: most men just don't know how to write good female characters, simple as that. Same as white people writing black or Asian characters or straight people writing gay characters. Very few are able to do

I'll give you a great example: why do you think girls fawn over Hunger Games' Josh Hutcherson? He's tiny…but look at his jawline.

It's the same lizard brain that makes women choose guys with bigger jaws. See? It can go both ways.