
It is definitely ingrained in our society…and I think further proof of that is that it's a global cultural problem. The only culture I can think of that doesn't have a problem with large women is African/Caribbean.

No question about it but people forget that it's mostly a girl-on-girl crime…women are the ones who predominantly body-shame other women. And the same goes for men's body shaming, I think whenever that happens is mostly women doing that to men as well. You don't really see men doing that to each other.

Oh yeah, definitely true, large women have always been featured as aggressive types.

Going over to men's perspective a bit, since body-shaming is strictly a women's problem, according to the media….it's undeniable that John Belushi and Chris Farley made a career out of the fact that they were overweight men. But at what cost? They both died from excessive lifestyles and I cannot help but think they

Melissa is actually a good example, since her husband Ben Falcone, although not possessing an athletic body by any chance, is far slimmer than her (at least was before her recent weight loss). But I cannot remember a single slim guy-large woman couple on a tv show. Maybe Girls? Lena's character is not overweight by

I don't think the problem is so much beauty in this case, I think the problem is the lack of a reversal of roles (slim guy married to overweight woman), which we all know exist in real life.

Well it's still showbiz anyway. There's a reason why most moviegoers opt to see a Hollywood film than, let's say, a cinema-veritee indie, they're looking for beautiful people and escapism.

It's by far the best pop song about an elderly couple driving into the sunset, Thelma & Louise style

I still feel it's a bit silly, considering the game it's already pretty much a movie

If you can't tell Batman V Superman from, say, Guardians of the Galaxy then…then I don't know what to tell you, you're weird

I thought it was the new wave sequel to Raging Bull

Whenever I hear "All Star" I'm reminded of 4 other songs from that period: Fastball's "The Way", Sugar Ray's "Fly", Third Eye Blind's "Semi-Charmed Life" and Barenaked Ladies' "One Week".

I'm surprised it's good, you couldn't tell from the trailer

Kill it with fire, then put it inside an adamantium box, then bury it, then pour cement on it, then pick up the solid cement, then send it to NASA then put it inside a rocket then blast off the rocket towards the Sun.

She's definitely one of the funniest women in showbiz these days (she always elevates any SNL episode she's in) but the trailers for this film have been awful…and I really enjoyed Spy.

Nathan, as far as "fascinating bad movies" go this is definitely not one of them. Unworthy of your time.

Let the snark begin!

I think I'll pass on the Animaniacs, aka Looney Tunes on meth

Wha I'd never!! I'm beyond shocked!

That goes for half of America. Again, I feel the anger was misplaced. Will it really be a good thing for black actors if, next year, the media feels that one of them was nominated simply for the color of his/her skin?