
What would you rather endure: Spider-Man Reign or Adam Sandler's Reign Over Me?

I had the same problem with TDKR that I had with Watchmen: I only read them many years after their initial release and, by then, I had already been introduced to Vertigo so even though I acknowledged that they were good comics and the reasons why they were influential, they failed to impress me…Watchmen in particular,

I know any show or film needs to find an audience and to make a profit but any producer or writer who allows their audience to influence their work to that extent, as pointed out in this article, needs to take a good, hard look in the mirror and stop

I was interested until the word "procedural" showed up

Without even going on the merits of the film's quality (it is obviously bad) this type of shit doesn't really help America's already tense racial problems. These fucking producers should be ashamed of themselves.

Wow so…a Woody Allen movie that doesn't feature an older geeky man involved with a young woman? Color me impressed

Both Avengers films got good reviews so this tired narrative that critics don't like superhero movies is completely off. Critics despised Green Lantern, and with good reason. Another film with super high expectations was the last Star Wars also got great reviews.

"According to the Daily Mail…" is a lead that causes a serious medical condition on me called "rollingeyesinitis"

Superheavy was nothing short of a masterpiece and I'm not even that much of a Batman fan. Anybody who appreciates comics, stunning art and great storytelling should give it a try

Was a big fan of No Doubt and even enjoyed their last one from 2012, which was a flop. Gwen's first album was great, the second one was so bad it sounded like a parody of her (Wind It Up, to me, is one of the worst pop songs of all time and by far the worse thing Pharrell ever produced) and I think this one is just an

I love him on Broad City but was really disappointed in his latest special, Comedy Camisado. I guess it's not for me. Still…he looks like a fun guy to hang out with.

I don't think "fun" and "DC Comics" can be put into the same sentence but what do I know?

According to these primaries Americans are smart but only about 60% of them

Aaah the joys of living overseas without FX

Is anyone really surprised? This is one of those films that it's just too big to ignore, like Star Wars. And I doubt most Chinese follow American reviews, hence the box office there. I haven't seen it yet and I totally believe the reviews, since this won't be my first Zac Snyder or DC experience so I know he is no

Fun fact: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 also got a C- grade. Sleep on that.

As always Marvel does it better. Maybe in the future Warner will give it up and sell DC to Disney.

I'm sure Snyder wouldn't get All Star. "Where are the city destructions man?"

Henry Cavil is a big part of the problem. This hunky, charming English actor (and I have a feeling he's quite aware of it) is not a good enough actor to sell a character raised by simple folks from Smallvile. He's good at playing a demi-God but not as an All-American boyscout.

i'm on the other side of the fence: I think Man of Steel was a movie full of gravitas but without any heart. Supeman's greatest quality is not his powers, is his heart and compassion and putting everyone's lives above his. It wasn't a bad film but they didn't portray him in the best light. I think the problem is that