
That small indie DC Comics film opening Friday

Good move, I think it would make a great feature film

And I actually don't think the show is dumb at all but obviously it cannot please everybody, nor it should

Lol I've seen many episodes and I never watched Gloria and went "Wow she's so dumb". She actually doesn't come across as dumb at all, maybe a bit shallow and vapid, but that's offensive to women (hot women, in fact) in general.

Why do people hate Chelsea so much? Are those the same people that hate Amy Schumer? Oh I heard of them

I bet DC Comics is kicking itself now for replacing the original Lobo with the metrosexual 52 version

The racial tension in America is boiling man, weird times.

She almost quit Twitter. I don't liker her but I think she should be allowed to do her thing.

I thought you might resort to that on your next reply

You are upset because a broadcast tv show is going for easy jokes and stereotypes when, in reality, every mainstream show does that, to every race and sexuality so it's not exclusive to Hispanics, that's what I'm trying to say.

Just because they have Armenian blood (and Kylie and Kendall do not btw) does that make them non-white?

I'm a Latin gay man. And no I don't support Trump, I support Bernie

Yeah he didn't but it's implied. I personally don't think she's a good enough actress to play someone completely different from herself, let's say a low-key scientist or something. So, with that said, if the only character she knows how to play is a loud Latin woman and if the PC Police say there cannot be any

Yeah? What about the gay couple? Walking cliches. What about Claire and Phil? Walking cliches of a suburban white couple so cut it with the race card, I'm a gay man and guess what? Gay couples like the one on MF DO exist so even though I don't behave like any of them I cannot be mad if a tv show goes for broad jokes

I'm just suspicious of people crying foul when any minority character achieves mainstream popularity, due to political correctness. Leslie Jones plays a loud black woman on SNL and on the new Ghostbusters and people say it's racist but that Ghostbusters gig will open many doors for her career. So who the hell am I to

So essentially you're saying that she has no right to be on television unless she's playing a very demure Latina woman? Because, as I said, she's playing a version of herself.

Yeah man I'm sure Vergara, the highest paid actress in American television, is really bothered by her "minstrel" show. And btw have you ever seen her giving interviews? She essentially plays herself on the show.

So let me get this straight: a white man cannot show attraction for black women (how does one prove if said attraction is due to a fetish anyway?) but white women can definitely show attraction for black men (the entire Kardashians clan) and black men can definitely show attraction for white women.

I hope I look as good as John Stamos or Rob Lowe when I reach 50

You forgot to address the biggest elephant in the room: is Foggy less annoying in this season?