
Why am I not surprised at all that Jennifer Garner would agree to be in something like this? I think she's forever destined to play the same character she played in Juno


You do have a point…maybe he was never interested in becoming a "great" filmmaker…maybe he was either aware of his own limitations or not willing to make too many concessions to major studios

I have lots of mixed feelings about John Waters and his filmography. I love him, the individual, and I do like some of his movies but I cannot call any of them "great" films. The vast majority of them good or amusing, not great.

I haven't read one single good thing about this series

Sorry it's Sat and I'm doing some poor speed reading, I read Red Dead 2 instead of Res Evil 2

I was just reading about it now, rumours say it will be a prequel. I never understand this, who asks for prequels anyway? It always feels like the laziest of choices to me, in any medium

Speaking of open worlds I still haven't finished GTAV. Is it worth it? I finished the one where you have to steal the mini-submarine months ago and haven't touched it again (yeah I know this isn't IGN but I can't stand IGN anymore)

Will it happen though? Doesn't seem likely so far

Don't care, never had a PS3, never played it, will gladly pay 30 for it, especially if they tweak the graphics and include the zombie DLC

You know the original title of the Bible was God: What Is It Good For?

I won't read this article, just came by to say what a humongous *****travesty****** that RDR hasn't been released for the PS4 yet.

Is Zeus: Master of Olympus considered a terrible game? It was very simple and easy to beat but I was insanely addicted to it, I think I probably finished it about 3x and that includes the Master of Poseidon expansion.

It's probably the same game, or a different version of it.

Man people really don't wanna leave their homes for nothing anymore, do they?

Guess I completely missed it then

I don't remember anything about a PC version and I was an avid gamer. I only managed to play FF7 years later on my PS2, just to see what the fuss was about (and the fuss was: after playing FF8 with those graphics going back to blocky FF7 was a terrible idea)

I wasn't in the US at the time so the game was imported, I couldn't return it. But I did banish it from my NES

I remember one in particular when I was really really young called Decathlon, for the Atari. You had to move the joystick in an insanely fast manner in order to make the character run the obstacle course. My older brother and his friends would get huge blisters in their hands…that's how TOUGH it was kids

I absolutely LOVED FFVIII and never understood the hate. Sure, it hasn't aged well at all but the graphics and the story were amazing at the time. Maybe my love for it was due to the fact that I skipped FFVII entirely…I was strictly a PC gamer back then and FFVIII was the first FF game released for the PC.