
I saw that episode and I completely agree. I wish Seth McFarlane would take a hint from South Park and make the show evolve somehow but I'm sure that won't happen…after all, the guy who created A Million Ways To Die In The West and the Oscar song "We Saw Your Boobs" probably does not understand the concept of

There was only one wrong thing during the entire run of Parks: Paul. And that's why he got the boot after season 2.

I think the whole Tom/Ann thing is equal to the whole Rachel/Joey thing on Friends. It was just wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong and I'm glad it lasted just a few episodes

I liked him on Parks and he was used very sparingly

Tracy Morgan was the reason I couldn't watch it

I think Kimmy is supposed to be a little annoying but yeah…I didn't like the show that much, I think I wouldn't have become a fan even if Titus wasn't in it. But I'm impressed at the amount of people that like it.

I disagree about Ann. That show needed a "voice of reason" and Ann played that role until Ben came along. I think that might have been the problem, Ann became useless once Ben started to date Leslie because the show started to focus more on their romance than on the Leslie/Ann friendship

I know no one here likes Family Guy anymore but Brian really started to get on my nerve after season 6 or so.

I heard of white people who don't like Friends but I thought it was just an old wives tale…unless you're black, then I understand

As soon as I saw the trailer and noticed how amazingly good looking the boy was I knew it would be trash….

Oh and since people are getting old-school here: Chandler and Monica on the last seasons of Friends.

Titus from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I'm a gay man and even I cannot stand his histrionics. He takes the whole Mean Girs' "too gay to function" concept to the stratosphere. I couldn't finish season 1 and don't plan on going back.

Need I remind everyone that Alfred Hitchcock and Charles Chaplin never won an Academy Award? That Martin Scorsese had never won anything until The Departed?

It IS gone mad because we are talking about which movies or actors are more deserving of a nomination because of the color of their skin. So Idris Elba should have been nominated instead of Eddie Redmayne, for example, is that what people are saying? I have no great love for Eddie Redmayne, neither for Idris Elba by

Not out of hand as if I'm against it but in the way this has been handled by the media and the internet so far. I think everybody of any race deserves opportunity and recognition but you cannot expect an awards ceremony to please everybody and there will always be "injustices".

Exactly but do you feel that the voters were bias against animaton in general? No, they probably thought the other ones were better choices, maybe because they deal with such heavy subjects.

Exactly. I loved when Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Lupita N'yongo won Oscars because not only I love them but I also think they did amazing jobs on the roles they were given. But if our choices this year were Idris Elba or Michael B. Jordan then I'm honestly not disagreeing with this year's nominations.

Oh really? But Beauty & The Beast and Toy Story 3 got nominations for best picture.

Fine but I also feel Inside Out should have been nominated. Does that mean the Academy has some bias against animated films?

Bowie meant that you should always follow your instincts and to hell what everyone will say. He made some really bold choices early in his career that could have completely alienated British audiences but it worked. Why? I don't know but it did. I don't think he ever felt any pressure to deliver hits and when he did